Chapter Fifteen

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So I decided to give you all a double update in one day! It's because I feel sorry for not updating for so long.

But I will try my best to update faster but no promises.

Please vote! and comment :) it lets me know you all like it and encourages me to keep writing!

I love you all!

I hope you enjoy! <3

          I sat on the porch pinching the bridge of my nose. After Jake had dropped the bombshell on his dad, his dad flipped. He started talking about how vile I was for sharing the same blood as a vampire and bringing it into his son's pack. Jake had taken his dad inside after that to explain everything.

          I could practically hear them shouting at each other through the door. Surprisingly, Alyssa and Kidd sat beside me and tried to comfort me. I appreciated it, but at the same time I wanted to think. I wanted some time to myself.

          "Don't worry, Jake's dad is just really big on tradition," Kidd assured me.

          I gave him a small smile before standing up, "I should go for a run," I said.

          "I'm not sure Jake would like that," Alyssa said.

         "Probably not, but that's not going to stop me," I stated and started running down the porch and through the woods.

          I shifted while I ran and after a couple stumbles I was running as fast as I could. Everything was a blur. I could hear people running after me, but I knew they would never catch me. I ran long and hard until I saw a ledge in front of me and I slammed on the brakes by digging my paws painfully into the dirt and skidded to a stop.

          I looked out over a vast lake that stretched far and wide with trees surrounding it and mountains in the distance. I stood there for I don't know how long, just staring at the beauty of the place. I was certain Jake's pack stopped coming after me after I'd reached a good distance away from me so when I heard the sound of wolves coming I jumped.

          I looked in the direction of Jake's pack but the sound wasn't coming from that direction, I looked to my right down the path I was going down and saw a whole pack of wolves coming my way. I knew if I ran they'd see me as a threat so I stood my ground.

          When they reached me we all just stared at each other for a while trying to figure out who the other was. There was a tall, built wolf that was a strange grey color that I immediately claimed Alpha. There seemed to be three other girls and three guys behind him that completed his pack of seven. The first girl was a light, caramel brown wolf, the second was a bleach blonde, and the last was black with patches of white on her. The guy to the Alpha's right that I deemed beta was a dark brown with flecks of black and white mixed in. The guy behind him was a light brown that blended in with the floor of the woods and the last wolf was so blonde his fur looked white.

          They all shifted back into human form and I glanced around at them all. The three girls stood a little towards the back. The one with caramel brown hair had light green eyes, the girl beside her with the bleach blonde hair had brown eyes and the last girl to the Alpha's left with the black hair had amber eyes. I then glanced to the guys on the Alpha's right, my left. The beta had dark brown, almost black, hair with bottle green eyes that shocked me, the guy behind him with light brown hair had blue eyes and the last guy had hair so blond it was white and electric blue eyes. I then looked at the Alpha that seemed to get my attention.

          He was quiet and very observant, this much I could tell, his very blonde hair had a silver tent to it that made it look grey in the sunlight. I looked up at his violet eyes and cocked my head, they were blue, but with a purple tent to them that made me classify them as violet. Something about him was different.

          "For your sake, I suggest you shift as well," he said and I knew exactly what he meant.

          If I didn't shift, they would think of me as a threat and try to kill me or run me out of their territory. I cocked my head to the side in curiosity and shifted back. I immediately felt the wind my wolf's coat shielded me from and my hair flew behind me in a swirl before coming back to rest around my shoulders and face. I got a few curious expressions but the Alpha's never faltered.

          "Who are you?" The Alpha demanded.

          "Who are you?" I countered.

          The Alpha gave me an annoyed look before answering, "I'm Aero West, this is my beta, Steel," Aero said, gesturing to the boy with dark brown hair and bottle green eyes, I nodded in greeting.

          "This is Gray and Storm," he said gesturing to the boy with light brown hair and blue eyes and then to the boy with white hair and electric blue eyes and I nodded to each of them as well.

          "And finally, this is Chasity, Nyx, and Harlee," he said pointing to the girl with caramel, brown hair and light green eyes first, then to the girl with bleach blonde hair and brown eyes, and then finally to the girl with black hair and amber eyes. I nodded to each of them as well without getting a greeting back from a single one of them, but I was being the polite one so it didn't matter.

          "Now, who are you?" Aero asked, an edge in his voice that held power in it. I looked at him for a moment to prove that his Alpha power wouldn't work on me. I remembered learning this from Jake, but I didn't know it applied to all Alpha's until now. Aero cocked his head to the side in curiosity instead of trying to be in control for the first time and I gave him half of a smile.

          "My name is Wren, Wren Walker, I am from the Willow Creek Pack and I didn't realize I was in your territory," I stated.

           Aero looked confused and shocked. "Wren Walker, is it?" He asked and I nodded.

          "Get my father," Aero said into his pack's connection. I jumped as I heard his voice in my head before a pounding headache started in the back of my head and stretched to the front.

          I stumbled back and placed a hand on my head, "are you okay?" Aero asked.

          "I'm fine, just please don't get your dad," I said and he looked surprised, but it was mixed with caution.

          Suddenly there was a sharp pain in my head and black spots clouded my vision as I fell to my knees. Aero crouched beside me, "get him!" he shouted and it rang in my ears.

          "I wonder what's happening and why she can hear my pack's connection," I heard Aero say, but it wasn't aloud.

          I looked up at him, "I don't know either," I said and shock passed across his face.

          "Can you hear my thoughts?" Aero asked.

          "I suppose I can," I stated before my headache hit full force and I cried out in pain before black covered my vision and everything faded from around me and I was plunged into darkness.

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