Chapter Fourteen

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Hey guys! I have wifi back so I can finally update. I'm sorry I haven't in a while, I was tied up with school and not having wifi.

But anyways, here is an update.

Please vote! And comment :) let me know what you think of the story <3

Hope you enjoy! <3

          I got in the car with Jake and a couple of the others. The rest of the pack got into another car with Kidd driving. I looked over at Jake who was in the driver's seat. He starts the truck and starts backing out of their driveway.

          "Where are we going?" I asked.

          "We're just going out to a place in the forest so we can all go for a run," Jake answered.

          I nodded and barely five minutes passed before we were parked on a dirt road and got out. I was still in the jean shorts and tank top that Alyssa had given me so I didn't worry about my clothes as I shifted. When I was done I took in the feeling of freedom that flooded over me.

          I looked to my left to see three large, muscular wolves. One black as night and one a sandy color while the other was a deep chocolate brown. I knew that these wolves were Jake, Carter, and Kidd from their appearance and their smell. I looked to my right and saw another large blonde wolf, beside him was a smaller wolf that was so blonde she almost looked white. Standing with them were a large light brown wolf that had specks of darker brown mixed in and a smaller brown wolf that had white around her muzzle and on her underbelly.

          The wolves to my right were none other than Aiden, Alyssa, Ethan, and Serina. I couldn't help but feeling safe and at home around them. Jake barked and took off. A second later we were all chasing after him and I was by his side within seconds. He playfully nipped at my ears and I did a little hop towards him and bit at his leg.

          Jake was giving off a happy vibe that made my human side smile. Suddenly Jake stopped and stare at the ground. A look of comprehending and frustration passing over his face. He suddenly turned around with a snarl and bounded off behind me. I skidded to a halt and watched as the rest of the pack skidded to a halt along with me and watched Jake run full speed away from us.

          "Jake! Where on earth are you going?" Kidd shouted through the pack connection.

          A growl rang through all of our minds and I heard a couple whimpers in response. "Meet me back at the house and make it quick," Jake snarled and worry started to settle in my stomach.

          I bounded in the direction Jake had ran and I felt the others start running too, but with my vampire speed I was there within seconds. Jake seemed to of just gotten here himself which meant I had a minute or so before the others showed up. I quickly changed back into my human form and walked up to him.

          "What is going on?" I asked and Jake gave me a grim look.

          "The Werewolf Council has requested to see our pack and I have a good idea on what it's about," Jake said and sent me an apologetic look.

          I immediately put the puzzle pieces together and all the blood drained from my face. They could want to kill me for what I was. Wouldn't they of seen this coming with a vision from their foreteller? I was sure they would of, but that doesn't mean there wasn't a consequence for what happened and I didn't want Jake and his pack to get in trouble because of me.

          "What are they going to do to me? Also, I don't want you to take the blame for me and get into even more trouble because of me," I stated.

          "Wren, you're a part of my pack now and I will do anything to keep you safe," Jake said, his face suddenly very serious.

          "I know you would, but I can't let you. I may have just become a part of this pack, but I feel an unbreakable desire to make sure no harm comes to any of you," I said and looked at everybody who had at some point, silently, shown up.

          "You only feel like that from the effect of the pack bond and possibly from your mark as well, but listen Wren, as Alpha, you have to let me do my duty and let me protect you from whatever the Werewolf Council might throw at you," Jake said.

         "I can't let you all take the fall for me," I said, shaking my head.

          "Wren, you're a part of this pack now. You'll have to get used to stuff like this," Aiden said with a smile and I gave him half a smile back.

          "This is what a pack does for each other, you'll just have to deal with it Wren," Carter added and I gave him the same smile I'd given Aiden.

          I slowly looked up at Jake, "fine, I'll let you all take up for me, but if anything bad starts going down you all are done. I don't want to get any of you into too much trouble," I said after a few seconds.

          "We'll see," Jake said with a smirk and I smiled.

          The slam of a car door filled all of our sensitive ears and I tried not to cringe. I looked around the yard for the source of the sound and found a man walking towards us and away from a silver truck. The man was tall with black hair and dull blue eyes. I looked over at Jake and then back at the man.

          The resemblance was amazing, I immediately deemed him Jake's dad, but as I looked back at Jake I noticed a grave expression on his face. It didn't seem like Jake and his dad had a good relationship by his reaction. The man stopped in front of Jake and I noticed that Jake was a couple inches taller than him.

          "Son," the man said in a deep, gruff voice.

          "Dad," Jake answered with a strained voice.

          I looked around and noticed that everyone was averting their eyes from the man and seemed to be moving around a lot. Why did they seem so uncomfortable around this man? I looked back up at Jake's dad and looked him in the eye, I didn't understand what was so fearing about him, but Jake's dad looked up at me then and I didn't avert my gaze which seemed to push him buttons.

          Jake's dad gave Jake a look of surprise before looking back at me, "and who is this?" He asked.

          Jake glanced over at me, "this is Wren, our newest and last pack member, she bears the mark," Jake said warily.

          Jake's dad snapped his head to look at Jake before looking back at me and taking a step forward, "remarkable," he said and picked up my right hand. He looked at my birthmark above my hand and I stiffly let him drag my hand closer to his face.

          Jake's dad looked at me and I then back at Jake, "this must be why our Alpha power doesn't work on her," Jake's dad said.

          "It's a possibility, but recently I have been able to use my Alpha powers on her to make her change or make characteristics come out in her. It's only when I try certain things that they don't work on her," Jake stated.

          I glanced over at him, processing this new knowledge. Jake's dad stared at Jake in amazement, "that's amazing. My Alpha powers don't work on her at all," Jake's dad said and then glanced down.

          "What does that mean?" Jake asked his dad.

          Jake's dad continued to look at the ground for a few more seconds before he answered, "I'm not sure, but I have my suspicions. I will ask the Werewolf Council when I can, but I have a more important question," Jake's dad said.

          "And what is that?" Jake asked.

          "Why the Werewolf Council wants to meet her aside from meeting one who bares the mark," Jake's dad said, voicing his thoughts.

          "I'm guessing it is because she is part vampire," Jake said

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