Chapter Seven

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          I kept walking even though Kidd was right beside me. "Can't you just go back to Jacob? I'm fine, promise," I said as we came to another creek. "Come on, Wren, stop walking," Kidd said and I shook my head, "not until you leave me alone," I said and be sighed. "You're stubborn, I'll give you that," he said and I sighed.

          "Kidd!" I heard someone yell, it sounded like a female voice. "Over here, Serina!" Kidd yelled and I rolled my eyes. Serina, Alyssa, and Carter came from one side of the trail I'd taken and Ethan, Aiden, and Jacob came from the other side.

          "What do you want?" I asked Jacob who looked like he hadn't slept in days. "I, preferably, didn't ask to follow you, there were just some in the group who thought you were hurt or something so therefore... We followed you," he said and I rolled my eyes. "Well you're fine so we'll just leave now," he said and I sighed in relief, "thank you," I whispered to myself.

           "I can hear you," Jacob said as they walked off as Kidd whispered something to Jacob. "I don't believe you, or any of this crap about werewolves, you just followed my footsteps or something, you didn't 'follow my scent,'" I said.

          "Sorry but it's true, and you're a part of it, like it or not," Kidd said.

           I shook my head and started walking back through the woods to the road with them heading the opposite direction. I walked for about five minutes before I heard something crashing through the woods. I stopped and looked around, then I heard a low growl just beside me and I jumped away.

           Then there was another one behind me and as I turned around it leaped. I let out a scream but it was lost over the growl of what pounced on me. When I opened my eyes a black wolf was crouching over me, the same one I saw the other day.

           I wasn't sure what to do so that the wolf wouldn't try to hurt me. The wolves from his pack, same as the day I first saw them, emerged from the trees and brush surrounding me. "Get off of me," I said breathing heavily to the wolf as if talking to it would help.

           I tried back peddling from under it but it growled anytime I moved and if I was getting too far it snapped at me. Anything to keep me off my feet, I guessed, but now it seemed like the Alpha and his pack were having a conversation. Against all of my better judgement I pushed at the wolf's chest, "let me go," I said and he snarled at me in more annoyance than anger.

          I was trembling and breathing heavily, how do you fight a wolf? I looked around, the dark brown wolf with brown eyes was watching me closely. As was the blonde wolf with green eyes that was smaller than the others, probably a female. She inched closer, sniffing me. The Alpha gave a low growl to her and she reluctantly backed up.

           "If your not going to kill me then why protect me?" I whispered to myself but his gaze still flicked down then back up. All of their fur wasn't just one color, it had a mixture of white and brown in them but the main color was still there. Except for the ones with solid color like the dark brown and the black wolf.

           "I didn't think wolves could communicate without body language, guess I was wrong," I said. "I would have thought she would have figured it out by now," someone said inside my head and I jumped. "She starts hearing us in the middle of the conversation? That's weird," a female voice says and both voices sound familiar.

          "Be quiet, you know if she finds out too soon she's just going to deny it, we need her on our side," a deep voice said and this one I knew I've heard. "Jake?" I asked and the wolf above me ear's flicked back. I scrambled from under the wolf despite his protests, I knew he wouldn't severely hurt me. I already had a bite mark on my hand from where he tried to keep me down, but standing up he was still a couple heads taller than me.

           "Why can I hear you? Why aren't you trying to hurt me?" I asked out loud and the wolf snarled at me and the other wolves filled in behind him. They kept their heads low and a few snarled and growled, I turned and ran.

          I felt like I was being chased but I wasn't sure until I glanced to my side and saw the black wolf running ahead of me. "Wren, stop!" A voice inside my head said and the wolf slowed. "Get out of my head," I said, breathing heavily until all the wolves behind me howled as if warning me. I felt like they were warning me.

          Next thing I knew there was a large creek and I started jumping from rock to rock. The wolves behind me were stopped at the edge and pacing back and forth and growling and barking. Eventually I came to a stop with the creek just in sight, they were still barking at me and howling lightly but not loudly and... Whimpering from the other side.

          The black wolf was standing in one place... Looking straight at me as if willing me to come back. I slowly walked back and stopped about three feet away from the edge of the river. "You can't pass?" I whispered more to myself and the black wolf snapped his teeth as if he was saying no.

          "Why?" I asked and then he jumped but didn't cross the river. I turned around and saw about four people standing there. Vanessa and Fawn were two of the four and the other were two guys, one with light brown hair and blue eyes and the other had dark brown hair that looked black with green eyes.

           "Wren is it? I've seen you around school," said the one with light brown hair. I nodded and one of the wolves behind me whimpered and I glanced at it before looking back at the others. "Who are you?" I asked, "I've already heard you deny you're a wolf so if I said we were vampires I'm sure you wouldn't believe it," said the one with almost black hair.

           "I wouldn't," I said and he smiled, knowingly, as the four of them walked forward. The wolves behind me whimpered and I glanced at them once more but when I turned back around the guy with almost black hair was right in front of me. He was so close the only thing I could see was his emerald green eyes. I don't know if I was scared or uncomfortable but still I felt the urge to fight, but if I took a step back I would be in the creek.


And now Wren meets the Vampires :D

I hope you guys enjoyed!!

If you have any specific questions just Private Message me :)

Picture----> Aiden

Love you guys!! <3


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