Chapter 1: Yami

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~Ring ring ring~

"Stupid clock. Trying to ruin my perfect sleep." I mutter as I slam my hand on that screeching clock to make it shut up. But accidentally broke it in the process.

'Darn it!'

I really don't want to wake up and leave the warmth of my bed in order to go to school. But when I took one glance at the picture that is in front of me.....I consider that. I quickly remove the covers as I took my Domino uniforms out of the closet and into the dorms bathroom. There I took a refreshing shower to get rid of the fairy dust around my eyes. When I was done changing and brushing my teeth, I began brushing my gravity tri-color hair from it's mess. I hate it when I have those bed hair days. After that I decided to make pancakes for myself. My roommate already left to do his morning shift at one of the classroom at Domino High. Usually he would sleep in and I would try to wake him up, but ever since our 'teacher' charm him to come and help him on the morning shift....he accept the request willingly. Lucky bastard. When I finished eating breakfast, I took my school bag and lock the door of our dorm room before leaving for school. I didn't check the time if I was late or not, but judging the amount of people who are already up and walking about. I would say I still have some time left until our class start.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Yami Sennon and I am part of the popular group. I'm not the kind of person who used their looks or status to get other people to do what they want. I'm a nice person, but if my friends are getting hurt or being better not underestimate me. My description is very long so it's best if you look at the picture that the author had save in the beginning of the chapter. Words couldn't describe my looks. You would have to see it for yourself.

"Oi~ Yami!"

I turn to the direction from where my name have just been called and saw one of my best friends.

Joey Wheeler. AKA the Golden Retriever. (Joey: Hey! I'm no dog! Grr~)Long story short; we called him that because he's like a dog. (Joey: Yami! I told you I'm no dog!)

Joey is also part of the popular groups because of his looks (maybe) and his funny attitude that people really like. Back in the old days he was once a bully in middle school, but after I defended him from his so-called 'friends', we started hanging out. Oh, and did I mention that this is the 'lucky bastard' that I was talking about a moment ago. If not, then there.
(Yami: Sorry if I'm being rude. I'm just on edge for some reason. Gomen!)

"Hey, Joey. How's your morning shift?"

"Great! Me and the teach. were planning some ideas for the Evening Festival today, but we decided to let the others and the students of our classroom to choose which one we should do."

" where is he?"

Joey grin, but decided not to say anything.

"He's in the classroom. You should go and-"

I already left him before he could finish talking. Thanks Joey, but I'm in a hurry.

While I took my time walking to my classroom, I accidentally bump into someone when we went around the corner. Me falling on top of that said person.

"G-Gomen! I should of look at where I was go-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence because the person that I have bump into.

Is the exact person that I was looking for.

Meet Yugi Mutou. My secret crush and English teacher of class A-1.

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