Chapter 4: Joey

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"'When I lay my hands on the fresh water of the Nile River. I spotted a color stone that glisten beautifully beneath the God of Ra's light. I reach for it and decided to give it to my special friend.' Now, who will translate this text for me?"

I stared down at my English textbook with confusion and frustration.

'I don't get it at all!'

I wasn't really listening to what our teach was saying. Before he sigh and decided to randomly choose one of us to do it.

And that someone is me.

"Joey, could you recite the line from where we are now and translate it for everyone?"

I was startled when he called my name and look up to see everyone, including the teacher, looking at me. Some of them even have the nerved to laugh behind my back because they knew I'll never get this.

'Well we'll see about that!'

I stood up from my desk and look down at the book that I am holding right now. Now where were we again? Yugi seem to know that I got lost because he quickly whispered the page number that we are in and what part we are on. I made a nod for the help and tried to read it.

"'W-When I lay my h-ants  hands! On the fish water o-of the Nile River. I spotted a c-coo coo stone that glitten beautifully beneath the God of Ra's light. I r-reach for it and decided to give it to my s-special friend.' ........"

When I finished reading I nervously look at Yugi to see that he has a smile on his face.

"You did really well Joey. It's true that you have some mistakes in pronouncing it, but you actually improved. Keep up the good work." Yugi's smile made me feel energized for some reason, but I didn't care. He didn't laugh, or scolded at me for my Brooklyn accent. I like this teacher. Yugi told me to sit down, and picked another student to ready the next line. I sigh in relief, before someone patted me on the shoulder.

Triston Honda. AKA one of my best friends and the person who patted me on the shoulder. He was actually my first friend that I have ever had back when we were in middle school.

Flashback: The Beginning Where It All Began

You see, back in the ol' days, I was actually quite popular for something that everyone at that time fear me because....well because... I was the school's most least favorite of them all and the best fighter/bully that anyone who dares pick on me will never be able to see day light for the rest of their life. Triston was my sidekick (Triston: Yeah, right. 😑) for being the second rank of being a great fighter/bully within the school's premises. All my life I have been trying to become stronger, so that no one will defeat me. That is until Yami enter within my life. Yami was a transfer student from Egypt who wanted to get away from the bad conditions that was happening from his home country. I was, at first, didn't really care about him and continue on the routine that I have developed over the years that I have been in school.

Find other bullies before class start and punch them until they look dead.

I was on my way finding some opponents until I finally encounter one. Ushio Stinger. And let me tell ya this guy is way to buffy to be an 8th grader. Oh well, at least I found a strong opponent. If he is strong that is.

He and I battled it out in an alleyway where no one will see us. In the end I won, and headed back to my classroom where I now carry new bruises that the guy had actually got lucky and punch me in the face. That's when the weirdness kicked in. One day, while I was eating my double cheese hamburgers in Burger World these 'people' suddenly came up to my table and asked if they can sit with me. I wasn't so sure, but let them anyway. We talked a lot and I was having the best time of of my life! I found out that these guys are also fighters and wanted to be strong. So we made a gang of our own and became known as the school's Most Wanted. Of course I told Triston that he should join too, but do you know what the guy said. No! I didn't understand why, so I got angry because I thought we are best buds. I storm off without even listening to what Triston was trying to tell me. Me and my new 'gang' have already lasted for 2 months already. And for those 2 months I have been noticing that some of them are acting really weird for some reason. Like they are hiding something that they don't want me to find out. I shrugged it off; thinking that I was just hallucinating. While we were trying to find some strong fighters I encountered one of them that I will never forget. I sigh because my next opponent is actually Ushio.

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