Chapter 14: Yami

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Note: I'm sorry for not updating in the weekend. There was sad news that I must attend to. One of our relatives died in a car accident. So I have to attend the funeral. Please understand my position.

I was about to rush over to him, but stop myself because I heard a painful whimper.

I turn to where it if came from and see Wing Kuriboh on the ground. In pain.


I kneeled over him and gently picked him up. Careful from furthering his injuries. Somehow, I have a feeling that I know who made those injuries.

You must quickly heal the Magician. You're the only one who can save both him and this creature.

"Give me a good reason why I should listen to you?"

Because. If you don't. You'll be the one who killed them.

"Shut up!"

This is stupid. Here I am. Talking to my subconscious. But on the outside. I'm basically talking to myself.

Just hurry.

I growl.

I lifted Wing Kuriboh to see that his body is starting to disappear.

"Come on little guy. Hang in there."

I quickly enter inside the Science Room. Seeing that Yugi-sensei is laying on the floor. His breathing is uneven, while sweats pile down from his forehead and onto his neck. I gently put Wing Kuriboh down and began checking up on Yugi-sensei.

"Baka. *Idiot* If you have a cold you stay in bed. Doesn't your parent ever tell you that?"

I strip my PJ shirt off and drape it around Yugi. I hold him in my arms.

"You'll be okay."

When I was about to carry him; Yugi's hand grasp my shoulder. Which stopped my action.

He open his eyes, half-way.

"W-wait......* breathing harder*......I can't leave."

"Don't be stupid, sensei. I respect you too much for you to get sick. Especially in a place like this."

Yugi gave a small chuckles, but that small chuckle quickly turn into a harsh cough.

"H-Hey! Anata wa daijōbu!? *You okay!?*"

My respond is more coughing. As Yugi tried to form sentences.

"I-*cough* I'm *cough* fine.....*coughing*."


I couldn't take it anymore. Even though he's saying that it obviously a lie. A really BAD lie.

Yugi was shocked. He never heard me yell at him before. Not even once. But now, I'm angry.

Angry that he's pushing himself too hard.

Anger that he's pushing me away from helping him. When he actually needed someone to give him a lift. 



He shut his mouth. Blushing a bit from the sudden tone that he also did not realized before.

When I began talking, I spoke with a more gentle tone.

"Yugi. You don't have to do this by yourself. You're not alone. So......don't try to say that you're fine. Because you're not."

Mission: Take Yugi-sensei's First KissWhere stories live. Discover now