Chapter 8: Yugi

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'It's so dark here.'

I squint my eyes to try to see better through the dark, but couldn't. Using the flashlight that Yami had given me; I made it penetrate through the darkness and continue to walk forward. While walking, I noticed that all of the walls are nice and clean. No dust, spider webs, or a scratch.

'It's like someone has been here and decided to fix the place. But who?'

I didn't now that someone was following me.........No.

I didn't know that something was following me, until.....



I scream when it jumped on me out of no where until it started talking to me.

"Kuri! Kuri! *Yugi! It's me!*"

I stop screaming when I recognized it's voice.

"Kuriboh! What are you doing here?"

"Kuri Kuri~" *I should be asking you the same thing.*

"You first."

Kuriboh sigh, before starting to explain.

"Remember the spirits that I talk to you about a month ago."

I nodded.

"Well.....this is the place where they want to stay."

"Nani!" *What!*

Kuriboh nodded, and look at me sadly.

"They also said that they will stay here no matter what until the Spirit World is safe again."

'Is that why the dorm was shut down? Is all of the 'spooky voices' came from the Spirits itself too?'

"I see."

I look down; trying to imagine what it's like to fear your very own home and is force to run away because of it. I got teary all of the sudden.....because I was also force to run away from my only home as well. Kuriboh understand my feelings as he cooed for me to stop my tears; reassuring me that everything will be okay.

I stop my tears and thank Kuriboh for comforting me.

"Tokorode, nani ga saisho palce koko de anata o motarashimasu ka?" *By the way, what brings you here in the first place?*

"Oh! Well, I'm here because me and my students are currently in the process of our school's Evening Festival. We decided that our event will be the 'Test Of Courage'."

"I the event is being held here?"

I sigh; feeling exhausted for some reason.


Kuriboh looked concern. When he felt my forehead; he gasped.

"You have a fever! Yugi, you shouldn't be here. You should be in bed."

'Shoot! I was trying to cover my fever from being too noticeable. Guess I can't hold back anymore.'

"N-no....I don't....want to....let the students....down."

That's right. I can't just ditch this event that my students have work hard on. Even this stupid cold won't stop me.

Kuriboh seem to know something, before he asked, "Yugi, have you been working hard again?"


That obviously answered his question because he sigh.

"Yugi, you can't push yourself inside your work all the time. You know that. It always cause a lot of stress and could lead you into a ill-like-state. I think you should head back-"

Mission: Take Yugi-sensei's First KissWhere stories live. Discover now