Chapter 10: Yami

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Note: I know this picture on the top is weird, but please bear with me on this one. Just for once.

I continue to follow Anzu. Even though I knew that this isn't right, I'm still unsure what I should do.

'Ahhh! Why does this have to be so difficult!?'

In my head, I imagine myself gripping my hair, while pulling them in frustration. On the outside I am calm, and collected, while having an emotionless expression on my face. We finally found the Science Room. I tried to take a peek inside, but Anzu blocked me and said, "Wait here. And guard the doors. I'll check if he's in there."

I nodded stiffly before Anzu closed the doors behind me. While waiting, I lean against the wall, arms across my chest and one foot against the wall for support.

'Why does it have to be this way? Why?' I sigh in dejection. Losing all hope if Yugi-sensei is even in there.

Kuri Kuri~!


I turn to where that sound came from. But I didn't see anything that would make that sound.


I went back to the position that I was in a second ago.

Kuri Kuri~!


I turn to my right this time, and saw something that I have never expected before.

Kuri Kuri~

Wing Kuriboh was looking at me from behind the corner of the wall. But then it start to float and is heading straight towards me. I couldn't move; too shock from its sudden appearance.

When it's in front of me; I finally got over my shock and started to quickly step back from it.

"W-what!? How can a duel monster be floating in thin air?"

Kuri Kuri~! *I know that you are shock, but please. Listen. My friend and your friend is in need of help! Especially the Magician of the 7 Continent!*

"The Magician of what?"

"The Magician of the 7 Continent! Your teacher!"


There was a pause in the air. I try to remember what he said.

"W-wait! Did you say, Yugi? As in, Yugi-sensei?"

Kuri! *Yes! Now come on! They need our help!*

Wing Kuriboh grab me by the hand and started pulling me. For a little guy, he sure is strong.

"Wait, hold on for a second!"

I dig the heel of my shoes to the ground; stopping us from going anywhere. As Wing Kuriboh turn back at me with a frustrating look.

"Listen, I'm not sure how Joey is doing this, but I think that this have gone far enough." I turn to the camera, and shouted out, "Joey! Stop fooling around, and turn this thing off-"

Kuri Kuri~! *No Yami! I'm real!*

I turn back at it. Still not convince that this 'thing' is a real monster. Or anything like that. And how does it know my name?

"Please, Yami. Help me-GAH!"

Wing Kurigoh wince in pain as his body is starting to fade.

"W-What the-hey!"

I catch it before it could fall down to the ground.

"T-the time.....running...out....spirits..."

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