Chapter 11: Narrator

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Note: I'm sorry for not updating last week. A lot of things has been happening *cough cough* tests *cough cough* so I wasn't able to start on any of this until now. Please enjoy as much as you can because this story is almost close to being finish. A surprise will be waiting behind.




"Hmmmm???? Where's Yami?"

"I don't know. Seem to me that he disappear somewhere. The cameras should've found him by now."

"Oh, well- Oh look!"

In the right corner of the monitor, right where Yugi-sensei was last seen, the Twin duos have finally appear from the ceiling, and are currently climbing down from a ladder.

Group 2: Twin Duos Appears

Location: Bottom Science Room

"All right! Come on Luna! Yugi-sensei should already be in the Science Room."


The two climb down together, and when their feet touched the floor. They began searching if anyone is around.

"Look's like nobody's here yet. Now's our chance." Leo turn to Luna and said, "Hey, Luna."

"Huh? Yes?"

".....Do you like Yugi-sensei?"


Luna didn't expected this. Especially from her older brother.

'Why would he be asking this sort of thing if he doesn't even know what it is?'

"...It's just....I've seen the way you keep looking at him without anyone noticing. Except for me of course. So.....I was wondering if you like that way."

Leo blushed a little. Knowing that he is not into those sort of....things. Which is quite embarrassing for him.


Leo turn back to Luna to see Luna blushing. With eyes that are filled with admiration and awe. Leo was impressed that someone was able to make his sister feel this way.

'It's decided then!'

"Alrighty then! Luna."

Luna look up at him when he called her name.

"Listen Luna, go inside and enter before anyone else comes."

Luna hesitated. Feeling unsure if she should leave her older brother behind.

"Sore wa daijōbudesu." *It's alright.*

Leo gave her an encouraging nod as Luna nod back in understanding. Just then, out of no where, Rebecca appears before them.

"Found you!"

"You mean me."

"No! Me!"

Both teammates of Group 3 began arguing of who got here first.

"Ah, this is bad. Hurry, Luna!" Leo pushed Luna inside the Science Room, before closing the doors behind him.


The sound of grunting and shouts can be heard from the other side. Hearing her brother fighting gave her some encouragements and strength as she began searching. She couldn't see anything.

For it's too dark.


Back at the HQ Judging Center

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