Chapter One

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Hermione's POV

The stupid alarm had gone off yet again to remind me to get up. However, unlike most days where I would slowly leave the wonderful place that was my bed, I jumped up in excitement.  Today was my birthday and that meant waffles with Nutella and marshmallows for breakfast!

As I got ready in the mirror, I was a little confused as to why I couldn't smell those delicious waffles my mum makes. But I shrugged it off as I applied mascara to my lashes, curling them as well. I threw on a grey hoodie and shorts and raced downstairs to devour the delicious treats awaiting me; humming happy birthday to myself happily. 

Instead of being greeted by my parents with stacks of waffles in their hands, I was met with their anxious faces.

"Mum. Dad, is everything okay?"

"Hermione, please take a seat," my mum said.

I perched on the barstool next to them. Anxiety filled my body as I was preparing for the worst, it was only then that I realized we had guests, but not who I expected to see on my birthday. Blaise Zabini? 

"Listen, sweetie, this might be a lot to take in and on your birthday but we made a deal," she said looking at our visitors. There were two little girls who looked to be a little older than 4, one with dark brown hair and another with jet black hair, a man who looked to be at least in his late 30's with dark hair and women with bleached ombre hair who looked to be the same age as the man behind her and an older boy who I recognized as Blaise Zabini. 

" We aren't your real parents. You were given to us as a baby by these people, they said that they would come back for you on your 17th birthday. Hermione, this is Lauren Zabini, your real mother and this is Hector Zabini your real father. These are your little sisters, Maddie is the one with black hair and Aurora is the one who has brown hair. You may already know Blaise, he is your twin brother and he's the eldest out of all of you."

I was shocked. Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at my biological parents and back at the ones who raised me. Uncertainty filled my brain. It suddenly dwelled upon me, how would I tell my friends.  This day would change everything for me but perhaps that's what I need right now.  

"Darling", My real mother whispered. " I ought to tell you now, your appearance will change as well. Your hair, eyes everything will change." I could tell she was happy yet worried about how I was going to react. I turned around and looked at my 'new' family. Slowly Blaise walked towards me and gave me a huge hug. Suddenly I felt two people wrap their tiny arms around my legs, it was only Maddie and Aurora. Then mother and father came over and engulfed us all in a group hug. I felt strangely at home with these people, its cliche but it was as if I had missed them all of my life without knowing. Tears ran down my face and I smiled when we pulled apart, Blaise wiped the mascara off my face.

"Great to finally meet my other half," He said half laughing. Blaize picked up Aurora and I lifted Maddie off the floor. This was my new life and I wasn't sure how I felt about it, but I knew it was going to be good. It would be difficult adapting and getting used to it all but I'm glad I was where I really belong.

"I think you will look just like Maddie," Blaise said smiling.

"Honey, I wanted to tell you, your name is actually Ava Harper Zabini. I also would like you to stay with us for the rest of the holidays." My father finished.

"I would love to! But what will happen in school, I mean I am in Gryffindor." Remembering that I was in the rival house to Blaise.

"We have already sorted that out, you are to be resorted into Slytherin when you arrive at Hogwarts."

"Thank you, mum, or uhh mother? Can I call you that?."

"I'd love if you called me mum, but don't worry I don't want you to feel like you have to. It is all right my dear now go pack your things. We are leaving for Zabini Manor in half an hour"

I was super excited to see Zabini Manor. As I was packing, I thought about how the other Slytherins would treat me but they might not recognize me. Yet I was still worried.

Blaise's POV

I was so excited to finally spend time with my twin sister! I had always thought that Hermione was different but I didn't think it would be like this. I wonder what Draco will think of my new sister. Still, Hermione looked worried when Mother told her. 

"I'll go help Ava pack," I said, grabbing the bannister to the stairs.

Third Person POV

Blaize was walking upstairs towards Hermione's room when he heard a scream. He bolted through the door to find an older looking Maddi.

Hermione's appearance had changed drastically. Instead of her frizzy light brown hair, it had transformed dramatically curlier, her lips fuller and darker and her eyes had darkened to the same shade as her hair. The most noticeable change was obviously her skin tone however, she had gone from a classic English peach to a shade much more toned, matching Blazies'. Lauren and Hector rushed upstairs to find their daughter looking at herself in the mirror. Maddie and Aurora were rushing into the room as fast as they could to look at their beautiful older sister. Once Maddie saw Hermione, she ran over and hugged her again. Hermione picked her up and looked at Blaise.

"Told you," he said chuckling and hugged them both then he gestured for Aurora to come over. She slowly walked over to Blaise and hugged him. He picked her up and swung her around. Aurora giggled with delight at her older brother's game. Lauren and Hector just watched their daughter, smiling. The resemblance was clear as anything now.

They were finally a family again.

Author's Note

re did the edit 

let me know what you all think about Ava and what you want to see happen in the story. PM so there are no spoilers in the comments! 

Hope you liked it

Ellen x :-)

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