Chapter 11

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Draco's POV
As Carlotta walked into the Common Room, she winked at me. Well you see, me and her had a thing in 3rd year but I caught her cheating on me with a Ravenclaw. I decided it's better to be friends but she still likes me. I haven't told her about Emia yet because she might get mad and hurt Emia. 

Anyway me and Emia aren't officially together yet but I have decided to ask her out tonight. Blaize knew I liked Emia but I could never ask her out because of the feud between our houses but now I can. When ever I see her my heart leaps. I really hope she says yes.

Tiffany and Lyra are in first year while Luke and Carlotta are in our year but we all secretly hate Carlotta. She acts like we all are dumb and is sooooo self absorbed. All she does is look at herself in the mirror, applying lip balm or mascara.

Tiffany and Lyra are inseparable. They are like Emerald and Maddi, they go everywhere together, do everthing together. In every single lesson they are paired with each other otherwise the teacher faces a serious punishment. Professer Sprout learned that the hard way. She couldn't sit down for a month.

Luke is more of a schemer then an actual pranker. He thinks of all the pranks but doesn't carry them out. He let's us do that. He is also a joker and will have puns, witty remarks and comebacks ready incase an argument bursts out.

No one's POV

As they all piled into the Head's Common room, an awkard silence filled the room. Lyra and Tiffany played with their hair while Carlotta inspected her nails. Alison and Blaize looked at each other then blushed and became interested in the floor. Emia, Astoria and Pansy tried to start up convosation but it failed. Draco and Luke looked at each other then burst out laughing. The rest of the group started to laugh aswell. Theo laughed so hard his stomach hurt. After they had all calmed down they decided to watch a movie called Grown Ups.
*Muggle music and stuff will be added into the story*
Half way into he movie Draco nudged Blaize and they both left the room to practice Quiditch.

After the film finished, Emia noticed some lights and music coming from the Quiditch pitch. She walked to the window only to be sweeped of her feet onto a broom by the famous Draco Malfoy.

"Draco oh my God you could of killed me!"

He smirked as he flew around the stands. Finally landing on a picnic blanket with fairy lights surrounding it. Emia gasped in delight at how much effort Draco had put it for her. Ron had done nothing like this for her. He had only taken her to the Three Broomsticks a few times.

"Oh Draco you didn't have to do this!"

"I thought you deserved a treat so I asked Blaize to help me."

"Still, you didn't have to go this far"

"It was fun." He paused before taking a breath and asking the question.

"Emia will you go out with me ?"

"Of course!" Emia replied. Then she kissed him. The kiss was full of love and passion unlike her kisses with Ron.

Emia had to stop the kiss as she was grinning like a Cheshire Cat. Draco smiled down at her and they both tucked into the picnic food. Blaize walked over to then 10 minutes later asking what happened. They annouced hat they were dating and Blaize fist bumped Draco and hugged his twin.

When they returned to the Common Room, all the girls except Carlotta bombarded Emia with questions about what happened while Draco simply told them. Lyra, Astoria, Pansy, Alison and Tiffany walked up to Draco and told him hat if he broke Emia's heart they would personally break his arms and nose. Alison would also give him a chinese burn. When the girls had gone into Emia's room, the dudes stayed in their seats and asked who everyone liked.

Theo said Pansy.
Luke said Astoria.
Draco said Emia.
Blaize said Alison.

They all made a deal that they would ask that girl to the Halloween Ball and if they didn't then they would have to do a fare and knowing Luke, he would come up with the worst dare ever.

Sooooo what do u think?
Will they get the girl?
How will Ron and Harry react when they find out Emia/Hermione is dating Draco?

Question of the Chapter:

Who is your favourite character?

Mine is Astoria because she is just awesome!

Please let me know what you think of this book. Please.Vote. Comment.

See ya later !
Rach xx

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