Chapter 13

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Third Person

When Alison woke up, she immediately crept to the mirror to see if the mark was still there...


Alison had woken up to find an owl perched upon her lamp shade with a letter clamped in it's beak.

Dear Ginevra Weasley,

I'm sorry we couldn't tell you this in person but we couldn't make it on the circumstance.

We are your real parents. You are a Nott. We had to give you up when you were a baby because Voldmort wanted a baby girl to raise as his own. Your real name Alison Sofia Nott. Hermione has also changed. She is actually a Zabini. Her real name is Emia Leia Zabini.

We are going to collect you from the Burrow at 11 am so be ready.

Your's Lovingly

Rebecca and Troy Nott.

Ginny was close to tears when she had finished the letter. Once she had calmed down, she knocked on Harry's door to tell him the news. After she told him, he gave her a huge hug and let her cry into his shoulder. He accepted her for who she was. Harry told Ginny to tell Ron at breakfast which was in a few minutes.

They walked downstairs to find Ron in a chair sitting at the table eating a slice of toast.

"Ron I need to tell you something," Alison said calmly.

"Ginny what's happened?" Ron asks sensing the tension.

"I'm not really a Weasley. I am a Nott."

Warning: mild language contained in the next part.


"I'm not your sister Ron"

"Is this a fucking joke!"

You see when Ron was throwing a tantrum about her being a Nott , he threw a plate at Alison and it hit her shoulder. The plate shards sliced her right arm and left a mark. After that, Harry punched Ron and shouted at him. Alison started to cry and ran up to get room to pack her stuff. Then she sent a letter to McGonagal telling her the changes. When Harry told her it was safe to come down she told him her plan to leave The Burrow and stay at The Nott's mansion for the rest of the holidays. Harry was upset to see her leave but he knew it was for the best.

Alison was just about to leave when Mrs Rebecca Nott and Mr Troy Nott burst through the door to escort thier long lost daughter home.

~End of Flashback~

"Ali?" Blaize asked.

Alison jumped at the sound of his voice.

"What is that on your arm?"

Tears started to well up in her eyes as she told Blaize what happened. By the end of the story, Blaize looked like he was gonna kill Ron.

"Please don't tell anyone! Please Blaize if they find out then everyone will fight and argue! Please don't...."

Blaize cut her off by kissing her. Ali was shocked at first but then she started to kiss him back. When they pulled away, they blushed and then Blaize promsied not to tell anyone about the scar.

When everyone else was awake and dressed they went down to the Great Hall.

Suddenly McGonnagal made an announcement that shocked everyone but it only made sence Ali.

"Could Luna LoveGood come to the stage please."

"I have an announcement." Luna said with confidence.

"I'm not actually a LoveGood. I am a Riddle. My mother is Bellatrix LeStrange and my father is Voldmort. My real name is Arianna Pheobe Riddle and I'm now going to be resorted."

After she had finished her small speech, her glamour came of. Her hair turned a little shorter  and turned into a light/ mousy brown. Her stomach became flatter and her eyes changed to emerald green.

She walked over to the Sorting Hat and it barley touched her head when it yelled out "SLYTHERIN!"

Arianna calmly walked over to the Slytherin table and sat with Emia and Alison.

"Hey girls."

"Hey Ariannna." Pansy said

"Please call me Aria, Arianna is way to long."

Draco, Blaize, Theo and Luke all looked at each other in shock before asking Aria loads of questions like 'when did you find out?' The answer to that was on the train. 'How she was going to cope.' She didn't know how to answer this one. 'Was she still with Neville.' She said no.


So what did you think of that twist?? Let me know in the comments.

I'm listening to Wild One's by Sia and Flo Rider at 23:07 at night and I have school tomorrow so it's probs not the best idea but I can't sleep.

Question of the chapter?

What was your reaction to Luna turning out to be a Riddle??

I can't answer this one but I would be pretty shocked. Luna is such a crazy person and it would be hard to image her dad to be Voldy and her mum to be Bellatrix.

Anyway I gotta sleep so yea cyaa

Rachelle xxx😊

Ava Harper Zabini. EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now