Chapter 9

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Blaize's POV

When I first saw Alison, my heart skipped a beat. She looked fabulous wait.. scratch that, amazing! Me and Astoria have decided to be friends as she likes someone else and I didn't really love like her. Emia looked over joined to see her best friend. She was asking question after question, finding out about how Harry Pothead and Ron Weasel are and Fred and George's business is going. Alison replied but when it came to Ron, a wave of sadness washed over her. She had tears filling in her eyes when she told everyone what Ron had done when he found out.Theo wrapped his arm around her to attempt to comfort her.

No one's POV

Emia told everyone that they should pack for Hogwarts and meet at the Zabini Manor in 2 hours. Draco apperated to his manor while Pansy and Astoria flooed to their manors. When Blaize and Emia got back to Zabini Manor, Emia turned to Blaize and said..

"I saw the way you looked at Alison."

"Wait what?"

"You like her don't you!"

"No... Yes.. I don't know!"

"OMG you do!"

"Fine I do but please don't anyone!"

"I won't"

Then she skipped off to her room to pack. Emerald and Maddi ran down the stairs seconds later and jumped into Blaize's arms.

"Where did you go?" Maddi asked.

"We went to see Theo's new little sister Alison."

"I didn't know Mrs Nott was pregnant." Emerald said surprised.

"Alison was Ginny Weasley but she was adopted when she was a baby."

"So it's like what happened to Emia?"Maddi said questionably

"Yeah alot like that."

Blaize gently put the little girls down so he could pack for Hogwarts. He had an idea of what the year was going to be like. Draco would definitely date Emia. He might get beater on the Slytherin Quidditch team. He would try and date Alison. Theo would probably date Pansy. Hopefully the year would be okay.

When they were ready, Emia and Blaize said goodbye to their parents,Maddi and Emerald. Then they apperated to Platform Nine and Three Quarters where their friends were waiting for them. Draco, Blaize and Theo helped lift the girl's trunks into the compartment. Then they talked about Quidditch until Ron Weasley and Harry Potter walked past.

"Why hello there gorgeous girl." Ron said,flirting with his girlfriend.

"Excuse me? Can you not flirt with my sister!" Blaize snapped.

"Your sister?"

"Yeah, I am Emia Leia Zabini. I used to be Hermione Granger, your girlfriend."

"Wait what do you mean, used to be my girlfriend?"

"I'm dumping you." Emia said triumphantly.

"Wait you can't do that!"

"Oh yes she can!" Alison piped up

"And here is my traitor sister!"

"Ron leave her alone." Harry warned his friend.

"Yea, just go weasel." Draco said.

"Fine but this isn't the end Hermione!" Then Ron stormed out.

Harry stayed with the Slytherins until he had to change. He said good bye to Ginny and kissed her on the cheek. Blaize had to try not to punch him. Then in 10 minutes they had arrived.

Ava Harper Zabini. EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now