Chapter 5

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No One POV

Pansy and Astoria rushed upstairs towards Emia's room as fast as they could to tell her what they had just over heard. As they turned a corner, they nearly ran over Maddi.

" Why are you running?" Maddi says.

"Oh, we are trying to get to Emia's room."Pansy replies panting slightly.

" Your going the wrong way then." Maddi laughs at the two older girls." Emia's room is in the East wing!"

"Oh thanks Maddi." Astoria says before rushing in the opposite direction with Pansy, leaving Maddi alone in the corridor. When they found Emia's bedroom door they burst in to find Emia's sitting on her bed writing a letter.

"Emia, we have important news, the boys are going to prank us tonight at the sleepover!" Pansy says through breaths.

"Wait, what??" Emia asked confused.

"We heard them talking about it before when we were in the kitchen." Astoria told her friend. "Prank 78 or something."

"It was prank 74, what are we going to do?" Pansy asked worriedly.

"Well, we will have to start a little something I like to call Prank Wars" Emia says mischievously. " All we have to do is think of a brilliant prank that they won't know or think about, then after they strike us we strike back with bossness. Simple." 

Astoria looks at her like she is crazy and Pansy just stares at her, gob-smacked. Emia laughs at the reaction on her friend's faces and starts to write down ideas for the prank.

Meanwhile in Blaize's Room.

The boys were talking about the girls and the sleepover that night when Theo told Blaize and Draco about his kiss with Pansy. Blaize knew about Theo's crush on Pansy and smiled. on the other hand, Draco's mind was on other things. Like his kiss with Emia. He didn't want to Blaize because he was scared it would wreck their friendship. 'But if I have to I will tell him' He thought to himself. Theo noticed that his mate was daydreaming and nudged him slightly. 

Draco stirred from his day dream and looked at his friends. They looked at him.

"What?" Draco asked.

"So did anything happen when you were chasing my sister?" Blaize asked out of curiosity.

"Umm maybe why?" 

"Just asking because I kissed Astoria and Theo kissed Pansy, so?"

"Actually, yes something did happen. Emia tripped up and I helped her up. Then we kissed, but please don't kill me!!"

Blaize looked angry but Theo smiled. Draco looked ashamed. Blaize calmly walked out of his room and ran to Emia's. He burst in and shouted.

"You kissed Draco?!?!?!"

Emia blushed as Astoria and Pansy turned their heads to face her.

"Yes" she replied quietly

"Emia, Twin meeting NOW!" Blaize shouted. Emia followed him out of the room,blushing as she pasted Draco.

"What were you think? Kissing my best friend?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know what came over me. He moved in first so don't let out all your anger on me."

"Fine but nothing else okay. I don't want you to get hurt." Blaize said calming down.

"Blaize, I'm still dating Ron, what do I do?" Emia whispered.

"Right, that is a problem. I would dump him before we return to Hogwarts but if he trys to hurt you, I will rearrange his dental works."

Emia smiled at her brothers sense of humourer and hugged him. Blaize had mixed feelings about his twin sister liking is best friend but he was happy it wasn't weasel. As they walked back into Emia's room, Pansy and Astoria gave Emia a hug. Blaize made himself comfy and motioned for Theo and Draco to sit as well. They all were thinking about later that night.

Author's Note

What did you think???

Vanessa Hudgson is portraying Astoria. Do any of you have any idea who Pansy should be portrayed as? Comment if you have an idea.

Rachelle xx

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