Chapter 12

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No one's POV

Emia sat on her bed thinking about the past events. She had just been out by the Slytherin Prince, her twin was alright with it and Lyra had told her about the Halloween Ball. She wasn't paying much attention during the notices and didn't hear that part.

Anyway the girls were choosing what they were going to go as. Pansy and Alison both wanted to go as Cats while Carlotta wanted to go as a Girly Pirate Captain. Astoria had decided on a Broken China Doll and Emia picked a Vampire Bride. Lyra thought about it for a while before settling for a Dead school girl. Tiffany was in love with the movie Decendants and had decided to go as Evie, daughter of the Evil Queen.


The boy's where having a difficult time deciding what to dress as for the Halloween Ball. Blaize had already planned it all out. He was going as a Zombie he saw on a muggle game. Draco chose a Werewolf while Luke was thinking of a Killer Clown. Theo decided on a Devil.

It had turned 9 O'clock when The Slytherin Gang decided to play Spin the Bottle/Truth or Dare. They sat in a circle and Draco accioed an empty bottle.

"I have put a truth spell on the room so you have to tell the truth."

He spun the bottle and it landed on Emia.

"Emia, truth or dare?"


"Right, who else have you dated?"

"Ron, Cormac Maclaggen and Victor Krum."


"I'm sorry Ali but we wanted to keep it a secret and i didn't really know you."

"It's okay Ems, I don't blame you for not wanting to tell anyone about Him. He can be such an arse."

"Okay then," Emia span the bottle and it landed on Tiffany.

As the night continued, they got very drunk and thought it was best to sleep. They didn't have school then next day so they planned to go down to Hogsmead and visit the Shrieking Shack.

When they had set up beds and blankets,Theo, Pansy, Carlotta, Tiffany, Lyra, Luke and Astoria feel asleep allmost immediately while Draco,Emia, Ali and Blaize stayed up talking. The convosation took a dramatic turn when Emia realized she hadn't told Harry who she really was. Blaize told her to tell him tomorrow and to make him promise not to flip out before hand. Ali said she would go with her just incase he flipped out. She also had to tell him something.

When the clock struck 12, they decided to sleep and then the room was filled with the sound of Blaize and Draco's snores.

Hey its Rach

Hope u liked the chapter! Please let me know what you think in the comments and if you have any ideas feel free to PM me.

Question Of The Chapter!:

How do you think Harry will react?

Also the guy up there is Blaize.

I will update asap okay?

Rachelle xxx☺

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