Chapter 2

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Ava's POV

I love Zabini Manor. When we arrived, Blaise took me on a tour of manor and all of the gardens.  My room is huge and it makes the Gryffindor Common Room look like a shed. I have a walk-in wardrobe and an en-suite bathroom. The bed is king-size one with drapes made of silk. My chandelier is made out of crystal. The wardrobe is like a shopping store! I couldn't believe it when I saw it the first time. It has sections for dresses, tops,  jewellery,  leggings, shoes, shots and skirts!! I decided to slip into a comfy pair of shorts and a cute belly top when I noticed that my figure had also changed when the glamour wore off. My legs are slightly longer and my chest has gotten a lot fuller. Would Ron even recognise me? What will everyone think of me when we go back? 

Blaise is inviting Draco, Pansy, Astoria and Theo around so the can meet me. I'm so nervous about what they will think of the new look. I hope I can make some friends before I get resorted into Slytherin. I didn't want to look too posh yet I wanted to look smart. Mum told me not to worry about it but I'm meeting my enemies in my new home, what am I going to do? They've hated me for years and now we're supposed to be friends? I can't even imagine how this is going to turn out.

Draco's POV   

Blaise has told me to come to his manor as soon as possible. Apparently, there is something he wants to show me, Pansy, Astoria, and Theo. Knowing Blaise it could be anything remotely important to him. If it's a new broom or Aurora or Maddi's new hairstyle then I will be angry. I have wasted a valuable lesson on fencing for this. Its happened before. 

Once I arrived, I saw Pansy and Theo already waiting at the steel gates for Astoria and I. A couple of minutes later Astoria arrived and we stepped inside the mansion that was Zabini Manor. As we walk into the foyer, someone catches my eye. A girl who looks similar to Blaise, however, her hair was a darker shade of brown than his. She looks like an older version of Maddi but Maddi's three. Blaize walks in and greets us, Aurora at his side. Maddi is following them both, skipping to keep up.

"Now that you're here, I want to tell you about my twin sister," Blaize said calmly.

"A twin? Merlins beard mate you didn't tell us you had a twin"

"Is she hot?"

"Shut up!"

"Well, where is she then?" Pansy asked.

"I'm here."

It was the girl at the top of the stairs! She walked down and came towards us. Pansy and Astoria looked at each other in shock. 

"My name is Ava and I already know who you all are."

"How?" I asked, "I would recognize a face like yours".

"Hogwarts and I used to be Hermione Granger."

"Wait what!?"

"Oh my goodness!" 

"As if, mate you just flirted with a mudblood"

"Don't, call her that, if shes Blaise's sister shes, not an  'm' word"

"Yea we don't say stuff like that anymore Theo." Blaise gave him a pointed look, we had all (with the exception of Theo) matured loads since the time Hermionie had punched me in the third year.

Ava laughed then said "I had a glamour spell cast on me to look different but was deactivated an hour ago. Now I look like this", pointing at herself." I prefer this look though. Also, I have forgiven you all for everything you have done."

I stood paralyzed in shock. The girl who called me ferret and punched me is actually my best mate's twin sister? Questions filled my head like air in a balloon. All I could think of was how had she not known for so long and if Ron Weasley knew about her change. 

"I know it's a lot to take in right now but you can ask me anything about it now if you want," Ava said surprisingly calm. 

"When did you find out?" Theo asked.

" About 2 hours ago" she replied.

"Have you told Weasle and Potty?" Astoria said, a harsher tone to her voice.

"No not yet, I don't want them to freak out or anything though" replied Ava, her voice wavered as if she was about to cry. 

Blaise brought her closer to him for comfort and held her in his arms. A pang of jealousy erupted in my chest and something made me want to snatch her away from him and pull her into my arms. But that feeling stopped when I realized I was surrounded by my friends who would criticize my irrational choices. 

"It's okay Ava, we will help you feel comfortable around us and this new lifestyle and telling your old friends about yourself," I said, trying to reassure her that everything would be alright and that we will support her.

Ava smiled warmly towards me " Thank you Draco, it means a lot and I'm sorry about punching you and calling you names,"

"I think I should be the one apologizing, I hurt you more and called you way worse things that 'ferret'" I replied, hanging my head low in shame. 

"I have forgiven you all, don't worry about the past and just enjoy life right now. We all made mistakes but we should move on from them. " She said, confidence flowed from her. 

We all nodded in agreement and decided to go to the pool for a chill-out day and to get to know Ava a bit more. The group divided to go get changed and all I could think about was how she smiled at me and that jealous pang I felt in my chest. 

Do I like Ava?

Author's Note:

updated may 2020 x

Ava Harper Zabini. EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now