One || Woozi

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||Secret Admirer||

It was an average school day for you and now it was break time. You were walking with your two close friends towards the cafeteria where you spend your breaks together when you realised that you forgot your books for the next lesson. You halted to a stop suddenly and both of your friends looked at you quizzically.

"(Y/N), what's wrong?" One of them asked you. You smiled sheepishly while rubbing the back of your neck nervously.

"I need to go to my locker quickly!" You told them before turning around and running towards the locker-room. You could hear both of your friends sigh behind you before they continued on their way towards the cafeteria.

As you ran you fumbled in your blazer pocket for your locker key, when you felt the familiar feeling of the object you took it out and looked at it. In the brief moment of looking at it, you felt yourself bump into someone.

You landed on your butt, hard on the concrete floor of the locker-room. "Ow..." You mumbled under your breath. You looked in front and saw someone offering their hand to you.

"I'm sorry about that." The person said, and you looked up to see a familiar boy from your class; Jihoon. You took his hand and accepted his help, standing up.

"Don't worry, it's my fault. I'm sorry." You apologised and you noticed that his cheeks were a faint light pink close to that of his hair. He looked down, shyly and you noticed that his expression changed. He bent down and picked something up from the ground and proceeded to show it to you.

"Is this yours?" He asked softly, still quite shy. You looked at what he was holding in his hand. It was your locker key. You realised you must have dropped it when you bumped into him. You nodded before taking it from him.

"Thank you." You smiled and he blushed before returning the smile.

"You're welcome, (Y/N)." He then continued on his way out of the locker room, while you hurried towards your locker. You didn't know Jihoon too well and you've only talked to him a few times and in those times you gathered that he was quite shy - especially around girls.

You opened your locker and noticed something slip down and fall gently onto the concrete floor in front of your feet. You bent down and picked up a small white envelope. You weren't sure whether it was meant for you or if someone put it into the wrong locker. You inspected it, looking for a name, but there wasn't one. Assuming it was meant for you, you gently tore the top of the enveloped and took out a cream colour piece of paper that was neatly folded in half.

You opened it up, and saw that it was a note, and knew it was for you once you read it.

'Dear (Y/N),

You might not know me, and we may not know a lot about each other, but I really like you. You're the prettiest girl I've seen, and never forget you're pretty otherwise that would make me sad. :(

-Anon. (^-^*)ノ'

You searched the note again, looking for a note or clue to who it was from. You couldn't recognise the handwriting and you knew no one who used the '(^-^*)ノ' emoticon. You thought it was sweet and really cute of someone to send a note to you. You gently put the note back into the envelope and put it safely back into your locker before taking your books out and locking it again.


A few weeks had passed and you still had no idea as to who was the person sending you the cute notes and they always ended the note with the '(^-^*)ノ' emoticon. One of your friends had found one of the envelopes hidden between two of your books when you came back from break several days ago. They both claimed that it was from a 'secret admirer', but you denied it.

You were now in the middle of your Music class when your teacher announced that there would be a project, a project in pairs. You heard most of your classmates sigh, but noticed as they all quickly sent glances towards their friends.

"I'll be picking the pairs." You heard the teacher announce and you heard as everyone in the class began complaining. She told them to quieten down and began to read out the pairs. You heard her call out both of your friends as a pair and after you heard your name was called.

"(Y/N) and Jihoon." She said. You didn't mind at all; you've spoken to him quite a number or more times to him ever since you bumped into him in the locker-room.

"You can begin working now in class." She announced and took a seat at her desk. You felt someone sit down in the now empty seat next to you. You looked and saw Jihoon sitting there and he gave you a sheepish smile.

"Do you want me to give you my number if you need to get hold of me?" He asked you. You nodded and began to scribble your number onto a scrap piece of paper. You passed the piece of paper to him and he put it carefully into his pocket and began to write his number onto another piece of paper. You watched as he wrote it down and noticed he added an emoticon to the end of it.

He handed it to you and you looked at the emoticon - (^-^*)ノ. You recognised it as the one that the person sending all the notes added at the end. He noticed you were staring at it.

"Are you okay?" He asked nervously. You nodded and smiled, tearing your eyes away from the emoticon.


Later that same week you opened your locker and saw a note was inside, but it wasn't in an envelope. You opened the folded note.

Meet me outside under the largest tree at the back of the school.

You smiled when you read the note, excited to finally meet the person who had been sending you notes for the last month. You walked quickly towards the back of the school and headed to the largest tree that you could see was there. You noticed no one else was around so you waited for the person.

"(Y/N)." You heard a familiar voice call your name and someone tap your shoulder. You turned around to see Jihoon standing there, blushing nervously.

"I was the one sending you all of the notes." He said shyly and you hugged him suddenly. He slowly returned the hug. "Do you like me too?" He said softly.

"I do," You answered and watched him smile one of the biggest and cutest smiles you'd seen him do.

Seventeen ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora