Ten || S.Coups

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You were standing in front of your boyfriend, Seungcheol's, house. You had sent him messages earlier which he hadn't replied to and called him, but it went to voicemail. You were worried and you wanted to spend the day with him - by going to the beach.

You packed your swimming costume and towel just in case, but you didn't want to swim today, you just wanted to spend time with him, outside somewhere fun and maybe building a sandcastle together would be really fun.

You sent a glare towards his bedroom window, although you knew he wouldn't get the message. You walked to the front door and knocked before being let in by his mother.

"Hello (Y/N), are you here to see Seungcheol?" His mother asked and you returned a nod while smiling. She returned the smile and opened the door wider to let you in. You thanked her and she pointed up the stairs.

"He's in his bedroom right now." She informed you. You thanked her again and headed up the stairs towards his bedroom. You stood in front of the closed door, debating whether to lecture him or to be "sweet and cutesy". You opened the door, still in the middle of your debate, to see Seungcheol sitting at his desk with a book on the table. His bedroom was mostly neat apart from the messy bed. He hadn't seen or heard you yet so you quietly entered the room and closed the door. You decided to sneak up on him from behind. When you reached the back of his chair he spoke.

"(Y/N), I know you're there. I heard you from downstairs." He said while smiling. You pouted, disappointed that you wouldn't be able to surprise him, but the cell phone sitting on the desk with a light flashing caught your eye.

"Answer your phone next time!" You complained holding it up in front of him and he took the phone away from you.

"I didn't know you called." He said as he looked through his cell phone at the messages and missed calls.

"How? Was it on mute again?" You asked him and there was no answer. You waited patiently for an answer, but still none came. You pouted and picked up one of his bags before throwing it at him. He caught it by surprise nearly dropping his cell phone.

"Pack your stuff, we're going to the beach!" You announced and stole the cell phone out of his hand.

"I don't want to. Can't we just stay here?" He pouted, trying to convince you to stay, but you'd made up your mind already.

"No, now pack or you're not getting your cell phone back." You put his cell phone with yours in your bag.

"Fine." He said, still pouting, and walked off like a six-year-old that didn't get his way. When he had finished packing you headed towards the nearest beach by taking the bus. Seungcheol hadn't spoken much since you forced him to come and only spoke when spoken to. Not being able to take the silence you asked him.

"Why are you upset that we're going to the beach?" He looked up at you.

"I was reading." He pouted, trying to make you feel guilty. You knew he liked reading and that it was one of his favourite hobbies.

"I'm sorry," You apologised while hugging him. He smiled before pulling you off because you hadn't realised the bus had stopped at your destination and you didn't want to miss it, so you both grabbed your bags and jumped off.

As you walked from the bus stop to the beach you felt Seungcheol hold your hand. When you arrived at the beach Seungcheol pulled you along behind him towards the changing rooms.

"We don't have to swim." You announced, personally not in the mood to swim in the cold sea.

"Well, we're swimming." He replied and you pouted.

"I don't want to swim." You pouted and he poked your cheek.

"You're the one who wanted to come to the beach, so we're swimming." He said and pushed you into the girls changing room. You quickly found a stall and changed into your swimwear. When you finished you grabbed your bag and went outside to see Seungcheol was already there and changed.

He took your bag away from you and hung it around his shoulder while gesturing you to follow. He dropped your bags off and went into the sea while you stood awkwardly on the shore only letting the water touch the soles of your feet.

"(Y/N)! Come in!" You heard Seungcheol yell. You nodded and reluctantly walked into the water, but only until it was up to your knees. You looked around and couldn't see Seungcheol anymore so you began to worry.

"Seungcheol?" You called out nervously.

"Seungcheol!" You called again, but still no reply. Shortly after you called his name you heard a splash from behind you and felt a pair of wet arms wrap around you, pulling you into the water.

You felt the cold water all around you and the person who had pulled you in was only holding your hand now. You quickly went to the surface and gasped for air, pulling the wet hair out of your face. The faint taste of sea water could be tasted in your mouth because you had accidentally swallowed a small amount of sea water when you were pulled in.

You turned around to see the culprit was none other than Seungcheol.

"Choi. Seung. Cheol." You glared at him and he burst into laughter. You continued to glare and splashed water at him, but only made him laugh harder. You began to swim over to him, ready to 'kill' him, but he began to swim away from you - still laughing.

You gave up chasing him shortly after and walked out of the water, shivering. You began to walk on the beach, looking for your bags so you could find a towel, but soon felt soft fabric wrap around your shoulders. You looked and saw Seungcheol with his arm around your shoulders with a towel.

"Where did you get the towel?" You asked him and he pointed in the opposite direction towards your bags.

"Out of your bag." He laughed and you playfully hit him although you began to laugh as well.

"Thank you for forcing me to come along with you to the beach," He smiled and pecked your lips. "You taste like sea water." He pulled his face in disgust.

"That's what happens when you force me to swim." You joked and you both headed towards the changing rooms.

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