Eight || Mingyu

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||Spicy PT.3||

*(F/F) = Favourite Flower

It was the next day after Mingyu's birthday. You enjoyed spending the day with him yesterday and you were looking forward to seeing him again today. You took your seat in your classroom and stared at the clock, waiting for him. You noticed that he was later than normal and was usually here twenty minutes ago. 

You continued to stare at the clock noticing class would begin in five minutes. You were worried about him and hoped he would arrive on time.

You heard the bell ring, but still no sign of Mingyu. Your teacher walked into the classroom swiftly and greeted the class. Shortly after, someone ran into the classroom, breathless. You turned around to the abrupt disturbance and saw Mingyu trying to catch his breath. You were relieved to see him, but worried if he was in trouble.

"Why are you late?" Your teacher asked him and Mingyu glanced at you before answering.

"I'm sorry, I caught the wrong bus." Mingyu answered while hiding his embarrassment with a smile. You knew he was lying because you knew him and his ears were turning red.

Your teacher nodded and Mingyu took his seat next to you.


When the lessons had ended and it was time for break, you turned your attention to Mingyu to ask for the real reason why he was late. However, Mingyu was already up and standing next to your desk waiting for you. You stood up and were about to ask him when he took your hand and pulled you along behind him.

"Where are we going?" You asked him and he smiled.

"Somewhere." He answered vaguely. You decided to keep quiet and follow him to where he wanted to take you.

You walked along the corridors, deep in thought about where he was going to take you. You knew there were several vacant rooms around the school, or maybe he wanted to take you to the computer lab to show you a cute dog video again.

He stopped abruptly and you walked into him because you were in your own dream world.

"We're here." He announced, but you continued to stare at him, dazed. He smiled, gesturing you to open the door which you recognised as one of the small vacant ones. You opened the door slowly and walked into the room.

It was one of the small rooms in the school that was kept for Music students to practice in after or during school. You knew it because there was a piano on the far left of the small room against the wall. But what caught your attention was in the dark room underneath the window was a picnic blanket on the carpet that was lit from the daylight. On it was a small basket and a vase with a (F/F) in it. You could see the vague outline of objects until Mingyu flipped the light switch.

There were small decorations put up around the room to make it look prettier. Cut-out green paper in the shape of leaves littered the floor and against the wall under the window were flowers made out of paper, which to be honest, looked like flowers drawn by seven-year-olds.  On the back wall clouds made out of wool were stuck up with the window as the centre.

You stared at the room awe-struck. When Mingyu spoke you came back to earth.

"Do you like it? I'm sorry, I tried my best."

You nodded slowly and he guided you to the picnic blanket and told you to sit down.

"When did you do all of this?" You asked him and he smiled.

"This morning. I was late for class setting it up." He smiled while fiddling with one of the 'leaves'.

"How did you even get permission to use this room?" You kept looking around at the flowers and all the cute details he added.

"I asked my Music teacher. I would have done it outside, but then there would be our classmates asking questions or something."

"Why not do it on the weekend?" You pressed.

He shrugged, "I couldn't wait. And I think my flowers are up to standard with the real thing."

You laughed and he looked at you in surprise. "Is there something wrong with my flowers?"

You shook your head and tears began to form from laughter. Mingyu began to pout, but when you stopped laughing he wiped away the tears off with his thumb. You blushed, but you managed to hide it because your cheeks had turned pink from laughing.

"Here you go." He pushed the basket closer to you and gestured for you to look inside. You reluctantly looked inside and saw some food, but what caught your eye was a pink box with a white ribbon wrapped around on top.

You took the box out and looked at it. The box was bigger than you had expected when it was in the basket, but if you had to compare it to something it would roughly be the same size as the box mugs come in or slightly bigger. You could tell from the smile on Mingyu's face that it was meant for you.

You untied the ribbon and lifted the lid of the box to see a tiny dog plushie inside. You cooed over how cute it was and took it out of the box, but a piece of paper that was folded into the shape of a flower sat between an ear and the head. You picked up the folded flower and looked at it. On one of the folds , 'open' was written.

You unfolded the flower and recognised the handwriting as Mingyu's.

'Will you be my girlfriend?'

You read the sentence over and over, still trying to let it sink in. Mingyu was asking you to be his girlfriend. You couldn't believe it, but you knew the answer. You looked up at him to answer him and saw him sitting there with hopeful puppy dog eyes staring at you. You smiled while nodding, "Yes." You answered.

He smiled and pulled you into a hug. When you hugged him back he pulled away slightly and kissed your cheek. "I like you a lot, (Y/N)." You heard him say.


A/N: I'm so sorry for the late update <\3 I've had exams and been overall busy for the last while but I'm on holiday now for several weeks so I'll try to update regularly and post all of the requests this week! I'm sorry for the wait.
Also I'm sorry, but no part 4s XD I struggled for ages trying to get a plot idea for this part, and I'm hoping it's not terrible or too cheesy. I will write more Mingyu at a later stage, but not for 'Spicy' anymore. XD I'm sorry if you want a part 4, if someone really wants it, I will try to like a first date or something. XD
Also I do all of my requests in order, so this took a longer time to update because I had no clue what to write in the beginning. :/
Anyway, thank you for reading! And sorry for the terribly long Authors Note ><

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