Sixteen || Jun

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Sooyoung sneezed as she walked through the large wooden school doors. It was the beginning of Spring and the curse of Hay fever would soon be upon them. Sooyoung was looking for her childhood friend Jun. She was close to him and felt something more for him. His smile made her smile. His happiness made her happy. Today was the day she wanted to be honest and confess to him. Jun meant more to her than he knew.

She went inside to find him inside the classroom. He was smiling, talking to one of Sooyoung's friends from one of her other classes. She was beautiful, Sooyoung had to admit. She had long black hair that shone under the light and dark brown, almost black, eyes that lit up while she spoke. She had soft pink lips and her smile was flawless on her clear skin. She was the epitome of beauty and kindness at school. But there was something off about their interactions that made her secretly dislike her. There was something she wanted from Sooyoung.

Sooyoung walked up to the pair and Jun turned his attention to Sooyoung with a smile. "Hi Sooyoung!" He put an arm around Sooyoung's shoulders. The girl looked at the two of them and smiled, smiled her perfect smile. She moved her eyes back and forth between the two of them.

"Don't forget, Junhui." She commanded before leaving the classroom. "What musn't you forget?" Sooyoung asked Jun who was playing with her hair. Sooyoung tried to act normal, but she was already nervous from her decision to tell him how she felt. He shook his head with a smile.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it," he murmured. Before Sooyoung had more time to question him, the bell rang. They both took their seats at the back of the class and waited for the teacher to come in. After the long period of English and Mathematics, Sooyoung stood up. She took out her lunch money to buy food at the cafeteria. While she took out her money, Jun stood up and headed towards the door of the classroom.

"Where are you going?!" Sooyoung exclaimed after him, hurrying after him. He shook his head.

"I have a meeting, don't worry. Go to the cafeteria and get us a table so long. I'll be there soon, okay?" He instructed her. She wasn't happy about this, but Sooyoung nodded, pretending to be fine. Jun sent her one of his heart-stopping smiles and continued out of the classroom

Sooyoung stood there and thought to herself. "I'm not going to go to the cafeteria. I'm going to follow him, I want to know what he's up to. " Sooyoung put her lunch money into her pocket and snuck out of the classroom. She caught his brown hair going down the stairs down the corridor. She ran down the pasage, her shoes hitting against the marble floors. She then slowed down at the top of the stairs and like a ninja, cautiously snuck down the stairs. She continued to follow him. He was already at the bottom of the stairwell. She watched as he went out through the back door, out to the back of the school. She crept down the rest of the stairs and went to the door. She dared to peak around the corner and caught Jun walking around the corner, out of her sight. She would need to follow him out of the building into the open where he could see her.

She left the building and stood with her back leaning against the cold wall. She waited for a few seconds before taking a chance at sneaking a peak. She looked around the corner and saw Jun. He stood opposite the girl, the same girl from that morning. They were close. She was speaking to him. Sooyoung could only hear snippets of the conversation. "Junhui..." Sooyoung heard her speak. Sooyoung could feel her heart beating against her chest as she watched the couple. Sooyoung was lucky that neither of them were facing her. She stood with her back towards the wall and him in front of her.

Sooyoung continued to watch them. "I..." She heard her begin again, "Junhui, I like you... More than as a friend." Sooyoung's eyes widened and felt her heart drop. She was going to confess to him today. A tiny shred of hope lay in Sooyoung's hear t. Maybe he didn't like her back? Maybe Sooyoung still had a chance. Sooyoung turned away from the scene. She felt cold and was too afraid to look. Trying to convince herself that Jun felt nothing for the girl was impossible. The only way Sooyoung would be able to believe it would to see it with her own eyes.

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