Two || Joshua

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It was the first day of term, and you were sick. You could just imagine the amount of work you'll miss, and your only best friend, Joshua, would be worried about you. You didn't want to leave him alone at school on the first day of school, but you knew he was really friendly and polite to your classmates. You aren't able to even get one metre away from your house, let alone school, before getting dizzy because of your terrible cold.

You picked up your cell phone from your bedside table and turned it on. Once it was on, you began to compose a text message to Joshua, letting him know you wouldn't be able to make it to school today and asked him if he can let you know about the work you would miss today. You didn't expect a reply from him, so you put your cell phone back onto your bedside table; rolling onto your other side and going back to sleep.

You woke up from someone knocking on your bedroom door. You groggily called out, 'Come in.' You watched as a silhouette walked into your bedroom, you couldn't tell who it was because the lights were off and you were still half asleep. You turned on your bedside light, and felt like you were staring into the sun and began blocking your eyes. You rubbed your eyes, and looked over to the person who had just walked into your bedroom. To your surprise, you saw Joshua standing there in his school uniform.

"Joshua? What are you doing here?!" You exclaimed and he smiled.

"I came to keep you company, and take care of you," He answered.

"What about my parents? What about missing school?" You argued and he shrugged.

"Your parents know. They let me in."

"And they're fine with that?" You asked him and he nodded before sitting on the edge of your bed.

"How do you feel?"

"Sick." He smiled at your answer and nodded.

"I can see that. Would you like me to do anything for you?" He offered and you shook your head in response. "Would you like me to leave you alone to sleep?" You nodded in response; you felt really tired and really wanted to sleep.

"All right," He smiled, standing up. He ruffled your hair before leaving your room.


You woke up a few hours later to see Joshua sitting on the chair at your desk, reading a book. You began to sit up and he looked up from his book to you.

"Feeling better?" He asked while putting a bookmark into the book he was reading and closing it before setting it onto the desk.

"Yeah." You nodded; you felt slightly better thanks to the nap, but still quite sick.

"I'll be back in a minute." He announced before leaving the room again. In a minute he was back and was carrying a glass of orange juice.

"You didn't have to do that." You insisted, not in the mood to be drinking orange juice. He passed the orange juice to you, and you took it from him.

"Thank you," You mumbled and he sat next to you, while taking out his laptop, which you assumed he brought because he thought of ways to spend the time with you. He turned it on and typed in his password while you took the smallest sip of the orange juice.

"What are you doing?" You asked him.

"We're going to watch Anime," He answered, his attention fully on the laptop. He then put the laptop between the both of you so you could see and began to watch one of his favourites, Bleach.


You watched several episodes together, and before either of you knew it, the school day was over. He turned off the laptop and packed it away, along with the book he was reading into his bag.

"Ichigo is so cool though!" He said excitedly. He continued to rant on about how amazing Bleach is while you just nodded while listening to him. He stopped abruptly when he noticed the full glass of orange juice in your hand.

"Why haven't you finished your orange juice?" He questioned and you looked away, sheepishly.

"I don't feel like orange juice..." You mumbled and he stared at you.

"You must drink it, it'll help you get better."

"But I don't want to," You dragged the 'to'.

"Drink it and I'll reward you." He offered. You eyed him suspiciously.

"What's the reward?" You asked, trying to find out more information from him.

"It's a surprise, so drink up!" You continued to look at him. Your curiosity got the better of you, so you looked at the orange liquid in the glass and held it up to your lips. You drank it all quickly and finished the glass. Joshua quickly put his bag onto his back.

"So, what's my surprise?" You asked eagerly.

"This, (Y/N)." He leaned down and kissed your cheek. He quickly took the glass away from you and ran out of your bedroom. He had caught you completely off-guard.

"Hey! Do you want to get sick?!" You yelled after him and you faintly heard him yell back.

"It was worth it!"


The next day Joshua was sick with your cold.

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