Six || Mingyu

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||Spicy PT.2||

You were still suffering from the after-effects of eating the spicy meat that Mingyu forced you to eat at the restaurant. You were busy pouting when he spoke.

"(Y/N), stop pouting - we'll go get some ice-cream," He complained and he began to smile, putting his arm around your shoulders, "Maybe that will cool you off."

You continued to pout, but nodded before shaking his arm off of your shoulders and headed towards the nearest ice-cream shop.

"I'll pay since it's my fault your mouth went on fire." Mingyu laughed, but you continued to glare at him.

"It's your birthday, I'll pay." You argued and he shook his head.

"That doesn't matter. I'll pay, okay?" He quickly left you and went to the counter. You caught up to him just after he finished paying. He took the two ice-creams from the cashier and handed one to you. It was your favourite flavour.

"Thank you." You lit up a fraction like a child not getting a toy, but their parents buying them an ice-cream to make up for it. He smiled and put his arm around your shoulder again and you headed towards his house where you would spend the rest of the day.

You arrived at his house and just finished your ice-cream. You stood in his lounge, clueless of where the rubbish-bin was holding your napkin. "Where's the rubbish-bin?" You asked him and he walked up to you and took the napkin away from you.

He looked up at you and you noticed he began to smile and was trying not to laugh.

"What's funny?" You asked him, not sure what was funny. He shook his head, still smiling, and brushed your nose with the napkin.

"You had some ice-cream on your nose." He smiled and left the room.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" You hit his arm playfully when he came back. He pretended it hurt him and rubbed his arm.

"I didn't see it," He excused himself and stared at you. You stared back at him. You both had an unannounced staring contest. He broke eye-contact with you and began to tickle you. You began to laugh and were almost in tears.

"Stop..." You said breathlessly and he stopped. You both fell down onto the couch and you wiped away a stray tear from your laughter.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Mingyu asked you and you nodded your head. He picked up a few DVDs and showed them to you. "Which one do you want to watch?" You shrugged, tired from being tickled, and it was his birthday so you wanted him to choose.

"Let's watch Hachiko!" He exclaimed and inserted the disc.

"But it's so sad," You complained, not wanting to be upset by the end of the movie.

"But I love dogs." He said and you gave in and he sat down next to you. You both talked to each other a few times until half way through the movie when it began getting sadder. You were on the verge of tears by the end of the movie, but barely managed not to cry. The movie finished and you looked over at Mingyu who was looking the other way.

"Are you crying?" You asked him and put your hand on his shoulder. He shook his head. You put your fingers under his head, turning his head to face you. His eyes were red, but there weren't any tears.

"I told you we shouldn't watch it." You smiled and he returned the smile. You were both staring into each other's eyes. You could feel your faces get closer and were only a few centimetres between your faces when the front door opened.

It was Mingyu's parents who arrived back home. You both quickly jumped away from each other. His mother came into the lounge and was surprised to see you.

"Hello, (Y/N)." She smiled at you and you quickly stood up.

"Afternoon," You said, and returned the smile, "I'll see you tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day, Mingyu."

"Thanks for the day, see you tomorrow," He said and you said goodbye before leaving.

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