Eleven || Vernon

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*(B/F) - Best Friend or Friend's Name

Ever since you were younger, you had a friend. A very close friend - Hansol.

Hansol was your next door neighbour ever since you could remember and just out of luck you both went to the same high school. You knew that one day he would have to enlist, which he did once you'd finished high school.

It's been two and a half years since you last saw him, and you thought about him every day. He was your best childhood friend. Sure you had made other friends, you were forced to, but he meant the world to you. You missed him enough that you began counting the days, estimating the time he would be back.

While you finished crossing another day off of your calendar you heard your phone beep with a message from your close friend. Around this time, you checked your phone hoping to see Hansol's name displayed, but most of the time it was your close friend, (B/F). (B/F) had known Hansol too for a little bit. They shared a class together the year before he left and you shared another one with him/her. Once he had left you went to (B/F) because you didn't have anyone else and you were already friends.

You gloomily read the message, 'Come outside! We're going to the mall.' Once you read it, you mentally sighed. You were busy organising your 'life' and were now being taken away to the mall. Another message popped up on your screen.
'Make sure you look pretty. You have five minutes.'
You sighed before locking your phone and snatching your favourite dress and shoes. Once you were done getting ready, you grabbed your bag and cell phone and ran outside to see (B/F).

"That took you a while." (B/F) commented when you caught up to him/her. You playfully sent him/her a glare before nudging his/her arm.

"Come on, let's go." You said and (B/F) nodded.

You took the bus to the nearest mall, wondering why (B/F) wanted to go there so suddenly. When the bus came to the stop at the mall, (B/F) pulled you off the bus quickly, yanking you out of your thoughts.

You followed him/her into the mall and decided to ask.

"Why are we here?" You asked, looking around the mall for signs as to why.

"Nothing special." He/she answered, but you could he/she was lying. You both stopped abruptly in the middle of the mall, where there was a fountain, one where you make wishes and throw a coin in.

"Stay here, okay? I need to... go to the bathroom quickly." (B/F) made up an excuse and ran away. You were confused, but decided to leave it because you would find out soon enough. You stood at the edge of the fountain, looking into the water. Coins littered the floor under the water from all the wishes. You never really believed that the wishes came true, but today was a different day.

You dug in your bag and found a coin inside. You held the coin in your hand and made a wish. Please can Hansol come back soon. You then proceeded to flick the coin into the fountain, watching as it fell in with a minuscule splash.

You continued to stare into the water, wondering how much longer it would take for (B/F) to return, when your eyes were covered by someone's hands from behind.

You had a feeling it was (B/F).

"(B/F), please can you take your hands off?" You said aloud. But the voice you heard wasn't (B/F)'s.

"Guess who." The person said, and even though it's been two and a half years since you heard from him, you recognised his voice immediately.

"Hansol?" You asked, your voice breaking while saying his name. You were scared you were wrong and didn't want your hopes to be broken.

"Ta-da!" The person behind you said and they took their hands off of your eyes. You turned around to face the person.

It was Hansol. You couldn't believe your eyes, and were so happy that you could feel your eyes brim with tears.

"What? Not happy to see me?" He pouted playfully, knowing full well that you were happy.

You brushed the tears away, and Hansol hugged you. However, his hug was a bit too forceful, so you lost your balance, causing both of you to fall over into the fountain.

You both landed with a splash, and with Hansol on top of you. You expected the fall to hurt because the water is so shallow, but surprisingly, it didn't. He hurriedly got off of you and sat in the water. You sat up too, but were completely soaked.

He then took a piece of stray wet hair that was dangling in front of your face before putting it behind your ear. 

"Sorry," He laughed, "I hope your dress isn't ruined now, especially since you look so pretty in it."

You blushed slightly and averted your gaze, which landed onto the coins chilling on the floor. You smiled and felt grateful that your wish came true.


I am terribly sorry for not updating regularly, and especially I am sorry to InParisTogether. I kept re-writing this imagine over and over and over, and I sincerely hope you liked it and it was what you hoped for - if not, I am terribly sorry T_T 

I will try to update once a week at least, and for those who have requested, I will try my best to get them done! <3 It's been really busy for me the last month or so. 
Also, the requests are temporarily closed until the requests are done, then if you wish to request in the future, you'll have to fill in a form and comment it onto the Introduction part of the story, or PM  for me - but it will only be available once requests are open again. :) 

I really hope these one-shots are up to all of your standards, and you're enjoying them. Again, I'm sorry for lame updating >.<

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