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Hello there, you blooming AMAZING PEOPLE!!!!! I'd like to thank all of you (even if you seriously don't care) for reading my work! And I know you're only here for the story, and not the author, but this means soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much to me! (As if you couldn't tell. I like exclaimation marks a lot!)

I reached 1000 views today!! WWWHHHOOOOPPPPPEEEEEE!!!!!!!! I'm literally dancing around my bedroom right now! This is A. Maze. Ing. So thank you all! Even if you don't like my work, or think I could do better.

Now, I know I'm already a demanding so-and-so, but I'd really like you guys to message me some ideas for The Lost Ninja - you see, I'm terrible at advanced planning, and can't think a chapter ahead. Most of my work is, you know, spur of the moment. So please, if you have any ideas, any plot twists, anything, let me know. I want your help. This isn't really my book, remember. It's a fanfiction, so help would be awesome.

Anyway, thanks again. Hope you all have a really nice day (as nice as mine, at least. I'm not very good at dancing!), and that you'll all be back for entry 12, which is currently being written. I'll try to get it to you ASAP, but bear in mind, I'm in the middle of studying for my A-Levels, so I'll likely be late updating. Apologies in advance.


Lolly. <(')

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2015 ⏰

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