Entry 2

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A/N: Hey guys, here's entry 2. The image, as you've probably guessed, is of Kakashi. I painted it myself, using watercolours. You can find that, and others of my artwork, on Deviant Art, under Kagesu98. Let me know what you think in the comments <(')

Naruto Uzumaki.

I burst into the purple tent like a lion 'you know , followed by lots of medical ninja carrying a stretcher. "LADY TSUNADE!!!!!" I shout again, hopping from one foot to the other.

   The Hokage stands still, red eyed, with a black scroll open in her hands.

   "Sorry, am I interrupting something?" I ask, more quietly, scratching the back of my head. "HEY?!?! "

   Sakura barges forward, pushing past me. "No time for sorry!!!" She kneels down in front of the old woman. "We have an emergency!!"

   I see then that Kakashi sensei is standing there, with his usual expression. Beside him stands a tall lady wearing a ninja headband over her eyes.


   "Naruto, quit stalling! Get out of the way!!!!!" Sakura yells as the other ninja drop the stretcher in front of Lady Tsunade.

   On the stretcher lies a man who has been carried across the village. I have no idea how badly he is hurt, only that he is bleeding gallons and will soon die without help.

   "Help him, Lady Tsunade!" I cry as the man starts shaking violently and moaning.

   The stranger takes a step forward. "May I, Ma'am?"

   Lady Tsunade turns away, looking very sick. The stranger politely moves the medical ninja away from the man, putting on a pair of sticky gloves. She rolls her head once before making loads of handsigns. She then presses her hands to the man's chest and a shockwave passes through the man's body.

   The tent is silent, but for the breathing of the man on the stretcher. It is easy now, not painful. The blood all disappears into thin air. Like...magic.

    I narrow my eyes, ducking down and getting into a fighting stance.

   "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!!!" I shriek, pointing at the stranger.

   Lady Tsunade gets up, knocking my hand back. "HEY!!"

   "Don't you 'HEY' me, Naruto!" She shouts, surprising even Sakura. She slumps down, sighing deeply.

   "It is my honour to present to you, Hana Namikaze."

Kakashi Hatake.

   Hana? The same Hana who went on a mission a week after the fourth Hokage lost his life. And never came back.

   "B-b-but..." I stutter as Hana turns to face me. She simply nods affirmation.

   Sakura stands, wiping her hands on her shorts, looking back and forth between Naruto and Hana. A look of shock is plastered there.

   "It has been so long, Kakashi. You've grown."

   The man on the stretcher groans as he sits up, holding a hand to his head. His face asks 'what happened?' though he doesn't need to ask.

   Sakura puts a hands on his shoulder, smiling softly. "You had an accident, but you're okay now. Can you get up?" He nods, steadily getting to his feet. The other medical ninja walk the poor, confused man out of the tent and away. Sakura stays.

   "Lady Tsunade, Kakashi sensei, what's going on?" she queries after several silent minutes.

   Tsunade seems to be reading the mission report. More tears fall from her eyes, and she again looks at Hana, sorrowful.

   Naruto, who had been unusually quiet for the last few minutes, then pipes up. "Er... Lady Tsunade? Who is she?"

   I take a deep breath, and answer instead.

   "Hana is an elite chunin, born here in Konoha. The Namikaze clan were all gifted, and Hana is no different." I turn to Hana. "Where have you been for the past two decades?"

   "Don't exaggerate, Kakashi. It's only been sixteen years."

   I feel sick. Her reappearance has brought up many forgotten memories. Memories that I tried so hard to forget.

   "Oh, and Naruto?" Tsunade whispers.

   "Yeah? What is it?"

   "Hana is your cousin."

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