Entry 5

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Tsunade Senju.

There is a voice outside my tent, no. Voices. More than one person, having a conversation.

   "Come in," I say boldly, knowing they have heard me.

   It is no surprise to me when both Kakashi and Naruto enter the tent, looking determined. I had requested their presence.

   "You wanted to see us, Lady Tsunade?" Naruto asks politely. I narrow my eyes.

   "Yes, but you're one short. Where's Hana?"

   "We have been searching for her all morning, my Lady." Kakashi states. "She can't be found unless she wants to be."

   I frown. "I have a mission for you three." A smile tugs at the corners of my lips as I realise Hana is standing between Naruto and Kakashi, unseen by both. They seem confused.

   "And what would that be, Ma'am?" she speaks up, Naruto and Kakashi reaching into weapons pouches as they notice her. Kakashi sighs, muttering something under his breath about being scared. Naruto, on the other hand, falls on his behind, shaking, as if he has seen a ghost.

   I laugh for what seems like the first time in many years. Hana reaches a hand to Naruto, pulling him to his feet.

   "Now, Ma'am, where were you?" she queries, a crooked smirk on her face.

   I think for a moment. "Ah, yes. The mission."

   I take a deep breath. "I would like the three of you to gather some intel on a group that may or may not be a threat to this village.

   "Kakashi, your leadership skills are essential, Naruto, we need your strength. Hana," I pause, "You are proficient in sensory jutsu. These are the reasons for which you have been chosen. You are too leave for the village hidden in the sand in one week. That is your briefing. You may leave."

   "Ma'am, may I request that there is one more member to the team - preferably a sensory type?" Hana asks. The boys glance at her sideways. I nod, biting the inside of my lip.

   As they turn to leave, I take Hana by the wrist. She turns back.

Hana Namikaze.

Lady Hokage takes my wrist as Kakashi and Naruto leave the tent. I know she is staring at me.

   "Did you have anyone in mind?" she asks.

   "I do not know many of the new ninja here. Preferably a Huuga. The Byakugan could come in handy."

   "Fine. I will assign Hinata to your team. She is a chunin and a medical ninja. Now..."

   "I want you to go to Ibiki and Yamanaka." she states, lowering her head. "I'm sorry Hana, but I need you to be interrogated." She does not wish to continue.

   "I understand, Ma'am." I say quietly. "It has been many years since I was here, and I am therefore a possible threat. I do find it odd, though." I murmur.

   She casts me a questioning glance. "What?"

   "Why, when I entered the village, was I not detained? It would have been wisest to keep me from other people. Yet instead, you call me to your tent, converse with me, then allow me free roam of your land." I finish, pouting.

   She looks away for a while, contemplating her next statement. She huffs. "I suppose I was overcome by your sudden appearance. Although you have been missing for longer than most of the chunin have been alive, I still have trust in you." She puts a hand on my cheek. "You've grown. I hardly recognise you." Her smile is heartfelt, tears springing to her eyes again. "This is just a precaution, to ensure the safety of the village. You are dismissed."

   I step gingerly out of the tent to be confronted with the curious stare of Kakashi. I crouch, touching a finger to the ground, searching for Yamanaka's chakra signature.

   "How do you do it?" Kakashi asks hesitantly.

   I grab his hand from behind and begin explaining.

   "Each and every person has a fingerprint, yes?" He nods. "Well, like a fingerprint, the exact mixture of a person's chakra is unique, individual to them. I sense chakra in colours. Depending on the nature of this chakra, it will be coloured a certain way. So, fire is red or orange, water is blue, earth is green or brown, wind is almost transparent, and lightning is grey or silver.

   "So, for example, your chakra is mostly silver, mixed with some brown and blue. From this, I am able to guess that you have lightning, earth and water chakra natures, and that lightning is your preferred or strongest nature." I pause for breath.

   "In the unlikely event that two have identical chakra, the shaping of that chakra can be taken into account. This shaping shows the shape of their most used jutsu. It is constantly changing, dependent on mood and any jutsu they may be currently utilising.

   "For instance, Naruto's most used jutsu is the Rasengan, a jutsu requiring the wind style chakra nature, and a change in the form of that chakra. I know this because his chakra is almost transparent, and takes the shape of a ball floating above a hand. Yours, Kakashi, is shaped like the lightning blade you are so fond of.

   "Mine, on the other hand, has no specific shape, as my most used technique is this." I stand, releasing my grip on Kakashi. I take off in the direction of the chakra signatures I had been searching for. I hope that Kakashi doesn't follow me, but, knowing him, he will.

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