Hollywood Undead~Deuce/Jdog

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Aron sighed heavily and tossed back the shot that he held in his hand. The liquor burned his throat as it slid down, but then again he enjoyed that feeling... It was like he could  feel his pain physically.
Thoughts of his ex best friend, Jorel, kept plaguing his mind. He pulled out his phone to check to see if Yuma had messaged him, and Aron was met with an old picture of him and Jorel. A deep pain wracked his chest as he stared at the image.
Damn I'm turning into a fucking pussy, he thought and pushed himself off the barstool and gathered his coat and car keys.
But then again he always did have a soft spot for Jorel. They had always been so close to each other and he had even developed feeling for Jorel in the last couple years that he'd still hung out with him and the others. He always thought that it was funny how some of their female fans would write all these crazy love stories about him and Jorel. Heh little did they know that he was kinda gay for his friend. But none of that matters anymore, Jorel hates him, and truth be told it killed Aron inside to know that Jorel wants nothing to do with him anymore.
He ran his hand through his hair as he walked past the bar. A wave of nausea hit him as he came closer to the exit, and made him fall over to his side and on top of someone causing Aron's drink to spill on the person.

Jorel had his arm slung around a busty blonde with a beer in his hand, he was already pretty wasted. Honestly that's how he liked it these days, to be wasted and not feel a damn thing. Ever since Aron left the band he's subjected himself to more and more of his guilty pleasures.
"So," the blonde stated. "Do you wanna take this back to my place?" She asked in a low, seductive voice. She dragged her fingertips down the Italian's front all the way down to his hardening erection when a drunk fell on top of him.
Jorel shot up from his seat to yell at the dumb ass but when his eyes made contact with the other person he closed his mouth and stared blankly into his best.. Ex best friend's eyes. So many things swirled his mind as he tried to figure out what to say to Aron, but he continued to stand there not saying a word. His heart ached for his friend. All he wanted to do was to talk to him one last time.
"Jorel..." Aron's eyes grew wide as he stared back at his once friend and band mate. He looked the same as he had when he had last seen him, only now he looked a bit more in shape and his gauges were bigger. He finally managed to pull his eyes away from Jorel, even though Aron missed him he couldn't stay here any longer or else he wouldn't be able to leave.
"I-I'll thsee you round." He said, slurring his words then turned to leave. 
Jorel watched Aron try to walk away from him and just shook his head. At this rate Aron would probably end up passing out in an alley or in the middle of the road. He sighed and grabbed his hat from the girl and took off after Aron. I know I'm going to regret this, he thought as he moved in and out of the drunks at the bar. "Aron!!" He yelled after him, Aron slowed down and leaned up against the wall to let Jorel catch up to him.
"Hey man you can't go out there like this, let me drive you home."
"Why?" Aron asked a bit sharply, Jorel held up his hands in a surrendering motion. "Just trying to be a decent human being, now stop your bitching." Before Aron could protest anymore Jorel picked Aron up and tossed him over his shoulder. "Damn dude I think you've put on some weight since I saw you last." Jorel laughed shifting Aron on his shoulder so that he could hold on to him better.
"Shut it puppy." Aron joked back, a small smile made its way across his face at their joking banter. This was how they used to be, cool with each other and carrying the other home from the bar or some lame party. Aron missed how they used to be so this was a nice twist in his life. Granted he knew that after this night was over both him and Jorel would go back to their own bands and pretend to hate each other again. That part he was not ready for.

Twenty minutes later Jorel put his old truck in park outside of Aron's new house. He glanced over at the smaller male and sighed, Aron laid curled up in a little ball beside him completely passed out from all the alcohol.
"Come on man we're here." He said shoving Aron's shoulder, he didn't move but let out a soft groan.
"Come inside with me Jorel."
This totally took Jorel by surprise, why would Aron want him to go in with him? He shook his head, "Aron I can't." He said simply and got out of the truck then opened the door for Aron.
"But whyyy Jorel?!" Aron whined and latched his arms around the Italian's neck. The alcohol was definitely messing with him at this point and honestly he liked it. Jorel wrapped his arms around Aron's body and half dragged, half carried him into the house.
"Alright I'm gonna go no-"
Jorel's words were cut off by Aron crashing  their lips together in a sloppy drunk kiss. Jorel was too shocked by this that he just stood there letting Aron's mouth and tongue explore his. Finally he snapped out it when he felt his pants getting tighter. He pressed his hands on Aron's chest to shove him away, the smaller man looked genuinely hurt by this action.
"What the hell Aron?!" He yelled wiping his mouth free of Aron's saliva.
"I miss you Jorel." He whispered softly, his head hung like a wounded child's.
"Dude, you're drunk." He said rather annoyed with Aron and his drunk display of affection. "Don't do anything to wouldn't do sober." Jorel glared at him one last time then turned to leave.
"But I have done this sober before."
This made Jorel stop walking and cause him to have one of those "ah-ha" moments. His heart sank to the depths of his stomach, all those times that him and the guys had gotten drunk together and had made out with one another Aron.... Aron had been sober?! That's impossible! He's not gay or bisexual, hell I don't think he was even curious! Part of Jorel felt angry that Aron had faked being drunk just so that he could kiss him, and the other half felt kind of...happy, to one degree or another, that Aron would want to kiss him in the first place. His shoulders slumped forward in defeat.
"Stay the night?" Aron asked coming up behind Jorel, he wrapped his arms around him lightly and rested his chin on his shoulder.
"Fine. Just tonight." Jorel smiled softly and slammed the door shut before turning around to press his lips to Aron's. Both men moaned into each other's mouths as Jorel pressed Aron's body up against the wall, his jeans growing tighter and tighter. Aron thrusted his hips forward so that he could grind on Jorel. A shiver ran through Jorel's body when he felt Aron's cock brush across his.
"Damn it Aron." He whispered harshly in his ear, Aron grinned and continued to rub up against him. "Enough!" Jorel bit Aron's lower lip before dragging him to the living room couch.
"You sure you can handle me?" He asked the smaller. Aron nodded his head. Jorel smirked down at his submissive and unzipped his jeans, letting his erection spring free. Aron's eyes grew wide, "Holy shit Jorel..."
"You sure that you can take all of me?"
Jorel reached his hand back and brought his palm down across Aron's face, he flinched at Jorel's touch. "Yes what?!"
"Yes m-master." He stammered and slid down to his knees. He closed his lips around the Italian's head and began to bob his head up and down the shaft. Jorel laced his hand through Aron's hair, forcing him to take in more of his cock. The smaller male gagged for a while as he adjusted to his master's size. "You'd think that with all that talkin you do about my band your throat wouldn't be so tight." Eventually Aron got back to keeping a steady motion without gagging.
"Mmm.. Damn Aron, f-fu-fuck." Jorel moaned out as he thrusted himself further and faster into Aron's mouth. He knew that he was already leaking pre-cum. Jorel smiled out of selfishness at his sub, knowing that he was dying to at least take off his pants. Aron let a loud moan slip past his lips, causing Jorel to thrust harder. He reached his hand down to his own cock to try and free himself of his jeans but Jorel quickly stopped him by slapping his hand away and pulled himself out of Aron's mouth.
"Turn around and strip." He commanded. Aron quickly obeyed and stepped out of his jeans and boxers, leaving him fully exposed to Jorel.
"Where's the lube."
Aron pointed over to the coffee table where a black box sat underneath it, "Get it." Once again he obeyed his master, Jorel pushed Aron over the coffee table and lathered his cock with the lube then Aron. Without warning he pushed straight into him causing him to scream in a mix of pain and pleasure.
"You've never been with a man before have you?"
Aron shook his head in response.
"Answer me Aron." Jorel said through gritted teeth, he shoved his full length into Aron making him moan Jorel's name.
"No master."
"You've been waiting for me to fuck you haven't you?" A slow smile crossed his face as he picked up his speed.
"Ye- oh god Jorel!!" Aron pushed himself back onto Jorel trying to take his full length. "Yes!"
Jorel smirked and leaned down so that he could pump Aron's cock. He sped up his hand to keep time with his thrusts. Both men were a moaning mess by the time they had reached their climax. Jorel had released into Aron, and Aron into Jorel's hand.
"Same time next week?" Jorel asked falling beside Aron. He nodded his head and curled up on Jorel's chest.
"I love you Jorel." He whispered and kissed his cheek.
"I love you too Aron."

This was just something that I've been wanting to write for a while, no one requested it. I hope that it's decent.

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