Hollywood Undead~Matt & Eliese

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**this oneshot is for NecromaniacKat

Eliese sat lazily on the couch with her legs draped over her best friend's lap. She shifted around until she was curled up by his side. Matt smiled down at her then went back to his phone. The two of them had been on their phones for the last hour sending each other silly and goofy pictures back and forth over snapchat. At first Eliese hadn't been into the new app as much as Matt was but as time drew on she found herself actually enjoying it and having fun with all the filters and stickers. The thing she loved the most about the app was that you could choose who to send your picture to, to her it made her feel like her life could still be somewhat private still. The only reason she agreed to download the app was because Matt had told her about that little feature. She glanced up at Matt who had his eyes glued to his phone screen. She shook her head at him and slammed a pillow down on his head. He frowned at her childish action but kept looking at his phone.

"What is so fascinating that you are now ignoring me Matt." She knew that he wasn't purposely ignoring her but she was bored and simply felt like annoying him for a while.

Matt sighed deeply and sat his phone down at his side, "Not ignoring you. Just busy with the guys and what they want to do with some new songs." He gave her a sweet smile and tickled her side. She instantly reacted by jumping halfway into his lap. This made his cheeks fill with a bright pink. Her heart seemed to do this little tap dance against her rib cage as he stared back at her. She laughed then pushed the bill of his hat down over his face.

"Why?" He chuckled and took the hat fully off. She let her shoulders rise and fall then rested her head on his broad chest. Matt smiled to himself and wrapped his arms around her small frame. He loved how her body fit so perfectly with his, it was like as if she was made for him.

"Eliese?" Matt whispered softly. She stayed still, her chest lifting slightly. He smiled, reached for his phone and opened up snapchat.

He tilted the phone off to the side so that part of him was showing in picture, but mostly Eleise. He snapped the picture and wrote 'she looks so cute when she sleeps😍'. Before he sent it he downloaded the picture so that he could post it to Instagram. After he sent the snap to his story, and posted it on his page Eliese bargain to wake up. Her nose twitched like a bunny and her eyes slowly fluttered open. A small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.

"Hey sleepyhead." He said softly as she sat up, still sitting in his lap.

She rubbed her eyes and laid back on his chest, "Sorry I fell asleep on you."

"It's okay. You looked cute." A light blush colored his cheeks.

Eliese rolled her eyes and reached for her phone. Matt waited nervously for her reaction to his latest update. Would she be angry at him? If she was would she leave and yell at him? Damnit I'm an idiot.

A sharp gasp escaped Eliese when she opened up her snapchat. "Way to go Matt!" She cried and swatted his chest. "Now people are going to think that we're dating!" When she looked up at Matt he had his head tilted down in embarrassment. She wanted to be mad at Matt but in all honesty she just couldn't, he looked too adorable right then.

"Would it be so bad if we were?" He asked softly.

Her eyebrows shot skyward at his question. Did he really just.. Ask me out? She shook her head in disbelief. "Are you serious Matt?"

He brought his head up so that he could look at her straight in her eyes. She could see that he was serious just based on the loving way that he looked back at her. "Eliese you have always been there for me, and have helped me get through my darkest days. You always made me feel loved and cherished. I want to be there for you. To help you through all the bad times and be the one that makes you happy."

She pursed her lips tightly while she thought about what he just said. It was true that she had always been there for him and cheered him up when he was at very low places. Yes she had always felt like there was something deeper between them, but she never knew if he had felt the same about her. "I would love it if you were my boyfriend Mathew." She smiled up at him and pressed her lips to his. In return he cupped her face and kissed her back. When they broke apart he held her tightly and placed light kisses all over her face, she giggled as he continued to kiss her face.

"I love you Eliese."

"I love you too."

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