Black Veil Brides~Andy & Scarlett

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This one shot is for sMidnight13 I hope that you enjoy this sweetie!!

Scarlett pushed her hands deep into her coat pockets as she made her way down the driveway. From the front door her father yelled at her to never come back home, her eyes overflowed with hot salty tears. For years she's had to deal with her father acting this way towards her, her mom wasn't much better to be honest. They both were pretty shitty parents and never seemed to give a damn about Scarlett, so over the last two weeks she's been slowly sneaking her stuff over to an old abandoned clubhouse near the back of the local park. She wasn't sure where she would live exactly, all she knew was that she had to get out of her parents house as quickly as she possibly could.

As she walked down the street the sun beat down on her neck causing her to begin to sweat even though the air was at a cool seventy. She huffed and tugged her hoodie off of her body, exposing her rose half sleeve tattoo on her left arm. A few of the high school freshman were walking towards her and stopped to stare at her with this sense of awe, almost as if they had just seen the Greek goddess Aphrodite. This always made her blush. In her opinion she wasn't anything special to look at but all the boys loved her and all the girls hated her or even wanted to be her. Honestly she didn't care about all of that, no one would love her if they found out about her past and all of the scars that adorned her thighs and stomach. Sure she used to have scars on her right wrist but before she had started high school she had gotten them covered up with a Nightmare Before Christmas tattoo. She was really proud of that tattoo, it was beautiful and elegant in a creepy sort of way. Of course her parents had lost their shit but she didn't care as long as she didn't have to look at those nasty reminders anymore.


After another half hour of walking she finally made it to the park. Not many people were there, just the usual mothers with their children, after school programs, and the art kids who always sat with their sketch pads in their laps. It was the latter group that always interested her, they were always so different from everyone else and their art always made her appreciate simple things a lot more than she had used to.

"Scar!" Sammi, a college Junior, called to her from the cabin. "Come on! Me and Jeremy need to talk to you!"

"Alright, I'm coming!" She yelled back to her and ran over to the cabin.

When she got inside she saw all of the stuff that she had stashed here and the rest of Sammi and Jeremy's friends; CC, Jake, Ashley, and Ronnie were all waiting inside. She noticed that someone else was standing amongst her small group of friends, someone that she had never seen before. He he numerous tattoos, a lip ring, raven black hair, and sported a Misfits muscle tee and black skinny jeans. His piercing blue eyes were what had really drawn Scarlett in, they just seemed to capture her full attention.

"Scar... SCARLETT!!"

"Hm?" She hummed turning to look at Ronnie, he frowned slightly and glanced over at Sammi.

"He was saying that we're trying our best to see if we can find a place for you to stay at." Sammi paused to look around at the guys, they all shared the same worried expression. "Babes you know that if I could I would let you stay with me in the dorm right?"

Scarlett nodded her head. Of course she knew that, hell she knew that everyone in that room would let her stay with them if it were possible for that to happen.

They all stayed silent, all of them trying to think of a way to help out their friend.

"Hey Scar," Ashley spoke up suddenly. "Have you met Andy yet?"

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