Chapter 13

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Howard and Katie had hired a chef for the evening, Sandy was blown away by the quality of the cooking. She leaned over to Gary and whispered "this food is amazing" Gary nodded his head in agreement while still eating the delicious Apple Crumble with Ginger Creme Fraise, Sandy smiled to herself, he was just an ordinary man, loves his food, likes sports, watching TV but has this amazing job. She was falling in love with him however much she tried to push it to the back of her mind.

The conversation was riveting for Sandy, all the Guys had funny and amazing stories to tell about Howard and Gary from when they first joined Take That and Gary has some funny remarks made about him being a bit tight with his money, but it was all said in jest and everyone including Gary laughed. Sandy felt so comfortable in the company of the seven people it was as if she had known them for years.

The wine was flowing, Sandy felt a little drunk and passed on the next round of drinks, she didn't want Gary to see her in an awful state this early in their relationship. Gary had put away quite a bit of red wine, his eyes had started to glaze over, his voice was getting a bit louder and his conversation now included quite a few swear words. It was safe to say that Gary was tipsy. Sandy looked at him again as he told another story to the waiting group, she liked tipsy Gary.

Howard touched her arm to get her attention, Sandy turned to look at him. "Are you enjoying yourself?" He asked. "I have had a great night, thanks so much" she answered. Howard continued in a quiet voice "I have not seen him look this happy and relaxed in a long long time" he said darting his eyes over in Gary's direction "He really likes you Sandy" he continued returning his gaze to Sandy's smiling face. "I really like him too" she added shyly. Howard smiled and leaned towards her and gave her a hug. "Can I ask you one thing Howard?" she added "Ye, ask me anything" he replied. "Why have non of you mentioned his separation statement?" Howard smiled and lent his head a little closer to Sandy so that she could hear him over the laughter coming from the rest of the group "we all know Gary, we know his life and him releasing a separation statement is old news for us" Sandy looked confused " you see I told him five years ago to release a statement but Gaz said no, he would know when the right time was, and to be honest, well don't tell him I said so because I will never hear the end of it" he laughed " he was right, this is the time to tell everyone, now he has met a lovely lady like yourself" Sandy smiled at him as he continued. "In our world Sandy, things are usually not what they are portrayed as in the papers, you will get used to it" He stood up and she mouthed "thank you" he smiled at her as he started speaking. "Five to 12 everyone if we can congregate in the courtyard so we can let in the new year, everyone pick up a glass of Champagne on your way out".

Gary took hold of her hand, his strong fingers gripping her delicately and escorted her through the brightly lit hall way, picking up two Champagne filled crystal flutes from the hall table as he passed it and passing one to Sandy, ending up in the farm's beautiful courtyard, now all decorated with hundreds of twinkling lights. Howard took centre stage and started a short speech, Gary put his arm around Sandy's waist. "Well it's the end of another year" Howard began "Approach this New Year with resolve to find the opportunities hidden in each new day and before I finish and the clock strikes 12, I would just like to raise my glass to Gaz and Sandy, may your relationship blossom into something amazing.. Cheers" Gary squeezed Sandy tight before he lent over to Howard and shook his hand, Howard went in for a man hug.

Katie looked at her watch before getting everyone's attention as she started counting down from 10, Gary quickly returned to Sandy's side and everyone joined in counting. "Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Happy New Year" everyone shouted together.
Gary looked at Sandy and smiled "Happy New Year Sandy" Sandy smiled back as his beautiful green eyes stared at her, but before she could wish him a Happy New Year back, he was kissing her, his arms wrapped around her and moving up her back, her arms automatically moved to around his neck and her eyes closed to keep out the outside world. She loved him kissing her, his soft lips and his warm embrace, she could stay here forever, his body pushing against her, wanting her, oh she wanted to be alone with him so much. Their bubble burst as they heard all the men shouting "get a room" They stepped apart and Gary shouted back a smart comment and every one laughed. The next five minutes was spent with everyone wishing everyone else a Happy New Year with handshakes and kisses before Howard shouted to the group "anyone want to dance?" Everyone cheered and started to walk back into the house. "What's going on?" Sandy asked Gary. " Howard has got a dance floor downstairs in the cellar" he smiled. Sandy didn't know if she should believe him or not, she looked a bit bemused "he does, honest" Gary laughed " come on I'll show you". "Before we go down I just want to text Ali to wish her a Happy New Year" Sandy explained. " let's send her a picture" laughed Gary. Gary took hold of her phone and lifted it high above their heads, they both moved closer together and with their cheeks now touching, Gary shouted "smile". Click.. The picture was taken, and it was very good considering how much he had had to drink. Sandy text Ali attaching the photo.

Text to Ali. Happy New Year from us 2 to you 2. May your New Year be as amazing as you are, love you lots xxx

She put away her phone and as she looked up he was looking at her, his eyes glazed over, his skin shiny with sweat, his mouth carrying a lopsided grin, she smiled back, he spoke first as he reached for her hand "You have made the last few weeks amazing for me, I have not felt like this about anyone in a long time, thank you for being you" he lent in and kissed her so softly on her lips, it actually took her breath away. She reached up to his face and held it with both hands, his stubble tickling her palms. "I feel exactly the same, she kissed his nose, then his forehead, then his stubble covered cheeks one by one, then finally his lips. He grabbed hold of her lifted her up and twirled her around in the beautifully lit courtyard before they disappeared inside and the old oak door was closed behind them.

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