Chapter 17

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Sandy flopped on to the couch and let out a loud sigh, she was absolutely exhausted. She lay her head back, closed her eyes and smiled at herself, she had had an amazing couple of days. Her life was so much differant to this time last year. She was so much happier than she had been in a long long time and now she could see a future with this amazing man. She opened her eyes, was she thinking too far ahead?

The phone in her pocket brought her back from her daydream. It was Ali, Sandy answered the call with a sheepish giggle "Hello" "Hey Barlows Babe never mind a giggling hello" answered Ali "what time did you get in you dirty stop-out?" Sandy laughed, her friend could tell from only one spoken word that she was so very happy. "Oh Ali, I feel like he has made my life worth living, I feel so, so.. " she paused for a second before she continued " So in love" Ali screamed down the phone and Sandy with a beeming smile had to take the mobile phone away from her ear. The two chatted for about an hour Sandy giving Ali all the details from the previous evening and telling her how releaved she was that the pictures in the newspaper where not so good. Ali was releaved too, she had worried alot about her friend over the last year and she was glad it was all working out for her.

When Sandy had put the phone down she started to unpack her bag. From the corner of her eye she could see something stuck under the mat next to the front door. She walked over and retreaved a brown A4 envolope. There was no name on it, it hadn't been there yesterday and with it being New Years Day she was sure the postman hadn't been. It possibly could be Gary's she thought. The envolope was not stuck down so Sandy reached in to retreive the contents. She pulled out 5 large photos, she looked at them and recognised them straight away. She shoved them back into the envolope "OMG" she shouted out loud "They know its me, they know where i live" Sandy felt a wave of nausia overwelm her and had to sit back down on the couch. What should she do?, She needed to think about it logically. It was an intrusion, but if they knew her name and where she lived, why had they not included her name in the newspaper article. She used the word 'They' as she wrongful presumed it was from a newspaper. She considered ringing Ali back, but she knew she would tell her to ring the police and Sandy did not want to do that. She also thought about ringing Gary, she did not want to worry him with this, she put the envolope in the unit of draws in the corner of the room. Maybe if she ignored it "they" will go away.

Sandy was awake early the next morning. She was showered and dressed at least half an hour before she had to leave for work. She text Gary,

Morning xxx

He text her back more or less straight away, she couldn't see the wide grin on his face as he opened the text.

Mornin gorgeous, missed you last night xxx

She still had that stomach flipping feeling every time he text her no matter what the words said. She replied before she left for work

Missed you too xxx

She arrived at work a little bit earlier than usual. She sat at her desk, she could not concentrate, her mind was everywhere and she had the most amazing glow to her face, I think it's what the man in the street would call love.

Elaine arrived just after her, all giggly and loud, well that was Elaine. The younger girl gave Sandy a running commentary of her Christmas holiday without stopping to take a breath. Sandy tried to follow what she was saying but all she could think about was Gary.

"Well" said Elaine "What about you, did you do anything nice over the holidays?" Elaine looked at her with a smile on her face. Sandy didn't know if Elaine had recognised her from the papers or if the smile was just a smile, she hadn't known her colleague long enough to read her in that way, but what she did know about her was that she was discreet. Sandy reached into her bag and pulled out a small brown paper bag and stood up and walked to the younger girls desk as she answered. "Well. You know me Elaine, it was very quite and a bit boring really, but nice to have a couple of lazy days" Elaine looked up as Sandy approached her desk with a very big smile on her face, you know the type of smile that lights the whole of your face and and the surrounding area. Sandy slid the small package across the desk to Elaine. Elaine looked at the brown paper bag then back to Sandy just as Sandy put her finger on her lips indicating to her friend to keep quiet. Sandy returned to her seat as Elaine reached into the bag and pulled out a 'I heart NYC' pen. Elaine looked at Sandy and spoke in a whisper "I knew it was you" Sandy smiled as Elaine continued "I am over the moon for you, he looks like a really lovely guy" "Thanks so much, He is and I am so happy I could burst" gushed Sandy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2016 ⏰

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