Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

7.15 on the dot the driver rang the door bell. Sandy looked in the mirror before she left. "I look really nice, but I'm shitting myself" she told her reflection.

The car arrived at Cafe Bleu at 7.30, it was a beautiful old French Restaurant. Sandy had not been in before, she walked through the door, it had a classic rustic French theme. The worn leather chairs, exposed brickwork, crisp white tablecloths, candles in wine bottles created an authentic ambience.

The waiter ushered Sandy towards the back of the restaurant to a door, he looked at her and said "private dining" "oh" said Sandy "I see". As she opened the door her stomach turned over for what seemed like the tenth time that evening, and there he was sitting waiting, the most beautiful man she had ever met, she blushed and smiled.

Gary got up out of his seat and greeted Sandy with a kiss on the cheek and pulled out the chair opposite him for her. Sandy sat down. The room was a smaller version of the main restaurant but with only one table. They looked at each other and smiled nervously, "you look lovely Sandy" he said " I'm really glad you came" "me too" smiled Sandy. Gary looked amazing, Navy fitted trousers, light blue shirt and Sandy could see a casual jacket on the back of his chair. Gary had ordered, which Sandy thought was very romantic. The waiter brought the wine and Gary poured.

After the initial awkwardness the evening was going amazingly well, the food Gary had ordered was beautiful, the wine was going down very well, but Sandy was conscious of not drinking to much, she didn't want to make a fool of herself. The conversation flowed very easily Gary told her all about his life before Take That and how his life had changed, Sandy told him all about her family in Australia and a little about her time with Jack. They got along very well, they liked the same music, tv shows and their sense of humour matched perfectly.

Songs had been playing in the background all the time Sandy had been at the restaurant, the music had come from an iPod Dock on a shelf in the corner of the room. As they finished dessert a beautiful song came on that Sandy had never heard before. "Oh this is really beautiful, who sings this" Sandy asked "Nick Drake" Gary answered "it's called Northern Sky, it's from the late 70's, it is a very beautiful song" Gary stood up and walked to the iPod dock "I'll put it on again if you'll dance with me?" he looked at her and smiled "would love to" she grinned. The song started as he came over and took Sandy's hand, she stood up and they began to move to the music

I never felt magic crazy as this
I never saw moons knew the meaning of the sea
I never held emotion in the palm of my hand
Or felt sweet breezes in the top of a tree
But now you're here
Brighten my northern sky

She could feel his toned body against hers, their heads together, she could feel his groomed stubble softly tickling her cheek. Sandy could not believe this was happening to her, it felt like a dream. He held her tight as they slowly moved to the beautiful love song.

I've been a long time that I'm waiting
Been a long time that I'm blown
I've been a long time that I've wandered
Through the people I have known
Oh, if you would and you could
Straighten my new mind's eye

She could hear his breathing getting quicker and quicker, she could feel both their hearts beating faster and faster. She had never danced with anyone before that had made her feel like this , "he must be holding me up" she thought "because my legs are like jelly" The song continued and she could feel his body pushing against her and her body reacting the same. The song ended but they did not move for a few seconds, with no music she could only hear his heavy breathing and she was sure he could hear hers.

As their heads moved apart, they caught each other's stare, they stared into each other's eyes for what seamed like an age, both of them looking deep into each other's sole. Slowly Gary leaned towards Sandy and kissed her so very softly on her lips, Sandy had to catch her breath . He pulled back and stared at her again only this time both of them were smiling. He released one hand and touched her cheek with the back of it, then he moved his finger over her lips one at a time. Sandy felt so under his spell . She could feel a tingling sensation deep in her stomach. He leaned towards her again, this time not so softly, he wrapped both arms around her and Sandy did the same, their lips met, he moved his hands up her back grabbing her hair as he kissed her, his tongue moving so quickly around her mouth. Still holding on to her hair he kissed her neck. "oh god" Sandy panted. If he was to push her to the ground and make love to her here and now she would not be able to stop him and to be honest she wouldn't want to.

As they carried on their embrace Sandy new she was having the best time with an amazing man, who she could quite easily fall in love with, she also new that this beautiful man holding her so close and making her feel like she had never felt before was married and she also new she could not go back to that place again.

Sandy stopped the kiss "what's wrong" asked Gary "I'm sorry Gary" Sandy explained as she grabbed her bag " I cannot do this" "why, I thought the night had gone really well" Gary replied looking very puzzled " it was an amazing evening Gary, the best I have had in a long long time but," Sandy paused and opened the door "your married". The door closed and she was gone.

Gary sat back at the table, put his head in his hands and said out loud " No... I'm separated"

No Ordinary Love - A Gary Barlow FFDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora