Chapter 16

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Sandy awoke her head lay on Gary's bare chest, his chest hair tickling her cheek and both sets of arms and legs entwined together. She didn't want to move because she knew she would wake him. She lay there wondering how she was going to reach her phone, she desperately wanted to see the newly published photographs. She kissed his chest as she tried to slide her arm out from underneath his torso. He was not moving, she had nearly freed herself when he coughed and turned over, she took the opportunity to release herself completely and reached for the phone.

She tapped in Mail Online, her stomach was churning, her hands shaking. The page loaded and there was the headline just has Gary had predicted.


She sniggered at the headline, "what bright spark came up with that ingenious play on words" she thought. She tried to scroll down the article, she was not interested in the story she wanted to see the pictures, her fingers would not move the screen down. She was getting flustered, until the bed moved behind her and an oh so sexy sleepy voice said "I got up in the middle of the night to see them, you have got off lightly 'Barlow's Babe' " she turned and smiled at him. "Pass it over I'll show you" he reached for her phone as she lay back down and snuggled into him. The pictures looked like they where taken by a tourist, she could see Gary in the forefront of all of them but none of them had a full view of her face. "Happy" he said rolling onto his side to get closer to her "very" she answered as he kissed her and pulled the white sheet over the top of both their heads.

They finally got up about 11 o'clock, Sandy got dressed and packed both overnight bags. Gary sat on the unmade bed scrolling through Twitter. He looked up and spoke "They are all happy for me!" She walked over and sat next to him "and why wouldn't they be, they love you for you, they just want you to be happy" she was right. "I think I will tweet them, is it too soon to put a selfie of both of us on?" Sandy laughed "what do you think Barlow". He eventually persuaded her to lie on the bed and make a heart shape in the air with each of them making half of the heart with their fingers. He took the picture with his spare hand. It was the perfect picture. He opened Twitter and posted it.

Happy New Year Everyone !!! xxx
#newbeginnings  #happy

Sandy was a little nervous, she knew his fans would be happy for him, but would they like her? Gary began to read out some of the tweets with a big smile on his face.

Congratulations Gary, Happy New Year & good luck for the future.
New year, fresh start, lots of love xx
So Cute Mr B x
What's her name and when can we meet her? X
So happy for you.... xxx

He looked over to her still smiling, "They never let me down" she lent over and kissed his beautiful smiling lips.

When they arrived down stairs everyone else had left so they had a little bit of brunch with Howard and Katie before they packed the car. After swapping numbers, so they could meet for lunch, Katie gave Sandy a big hug and Sandy thanked her for an amazing evening. Howard came over and hugged both her and Gary together, "you guys are perfect for each other" he announced, Sandy and Gary looked at each other and smiled. "Don't fuck it up Barlow" he added. Gary shook his head as he opened the passenger door for Sandy to get in. "Only 2 paps outside the gate Gaz, should be no problem, see you Tuesday" shouted Howard with a final wave. The car moved through the gate and Sandy moved her long brown hair forward to cover her face and bent her head down, she was going to have to get used to it and sitting in the front was a big step forward for her. Gary waved at the two middle aged men, who stood outside the gates with very professional looking cameras, pointing directly at him. "Well" he said once they where clear from the intrusion "I am sure, we will see their pictures in the paper tomorrow". Sandy smiled at him.

It was after 2 when they left Howard's, the day was going nowhere. Gary rang Josh his assistant, on his hands free. "Hi Josh, you ok mate, Happy New Year, did you have a good one?" "Hi Mr B" Josh answered "Happy New Year to you too, great thanks, did you have a good night at Casa Donald?" Gary laughed "You know Dougie's parties, we have only just got out!" She could hear Josh laughing "anyway mate" Gary continued "I just wanted my schedule for next week, so that I don't leave this lovely lady sitting next to me with no idea as to when I can see her again" Sandy looked at him and smiled as he grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "Ok no problem" said Josh " right, I will e-mail you a more detailed itinerary, but an overview is we have the studio booked Tuesday to Thursday 12pm to 10pm and Friday morning a interview regarding the new album on Good Morning Britain, that's about 7.45am, after that is finished your free till Tuesday of the following week." Gary answered him "that's great, thanks Josh, see you soon" he disconnected the call and looked at Sandy, "Are you busy next weekend? My mum wants to meet you" Sandy let out a nervous laugh "ermmm, not busy at all, but now hoping that she will like me" "She will love you, don't worry" smiled Gary.

The phone rang, it was Anna. Gary answered it, "Hi Anna, Happy New Year" "Happy New Year to you, did you have a good night?" She asked "Ye, we had a great night thanks, is everything ok?" he added. Anna wanted Gary to pick Libby up and have her overnight as she was going out with friends, Gary agreed and said he would pick her up on the way through as he was dropping Sandy off at home. Sandy was a bit nervous about meeting Libby outside of school. Gary could tell she was a little worried.

They pulled up outside Anna's house, Sandy's eyes widened at the size of the place, a very large Georgian detached house, with large gates and a drive way you could fit half a dozen cars on. There must be about 10 or 12 large windows on the front facade alone. They passed through the gates and onto the gravel drive way and came to a halt just outside the large wooden front doors. Gary got out as the right hand door opened and the little girl ran across the drive to meet him "daddy" she shouted in her super cute childish voice. He picked her up and twirled her around and said " missed you little legs" she hugged him so tight and planted a kiss on his lips. " missed you too, Daddy legs" she laughed. Sandy's heart had just melted, he was amazing. Anna came out with Libby's overnight bag and Gary collected it from her as Libby leaned in and give her Mum a goodbye kiss. As the pair came towards the car Sandy could hear Gary talking to the little girl, "I want you to meet someone very, very special her name is Sandy and she is my girlfriend" the little girl smiled at him as Sandy opened the car door and stepped out. Libby screamed and wriggled out of Gary's arms and ran towards Sandy "Miss Winters" she jumped into Sandy's arms and gave her an enormous hug" As Gary approached the pair he whispered to Sandy "That went well" Sandy gave him a smile still with the little girls arms wrapped around her neck.

Sandy sat in the back of the car with Libby, Libby talked non stop. "Where are we going dad?" she asked, Gary answered from the drivers seat "we are dropping Sandy off at home" Libby looked at Sandy "can we stay for a bit?" Gary smiled at Sandy through the rear view mirror "not this time little legs, maybe next week" he answered. Libby pulled a face and both Gary and Sandy laughed. As they pulled into the car park at Sandy's apartment Libby had just fallen asleep. Sandy and Gary got out of the car and Gary retrieved her overnight bag from the boot. Sandy smiled at him as he passed her the bag "Thanks so much for an amazing couple of days" "no" he answered "thank you, I don't really want to leave you now" he added leaning in and giving her a soft kiss on her smiling lips "I don't want you to go either" He put his arms around her and gave her one of his amazing comforting hugs "I am in London all week" he continued "so I will be looking forward to seeing you Friday" She nodded "me too" she smiled at him and headed inside. He waited till she was in the building before he got back in the car and drove home.

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