Chapter 12

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They left around 5.00pm and drove the 40 minutes to Howard's Farm. Howard had informed Gary that it was compulsory to stay over, apparently his words where 'No one is leaving my party early'.
They had a really good chat driving to Howard's, Gary was so easy to talk to and Sandy felt comfortable enough to talk about things she wouldn't normally after only a month or so dating, they seemed to fit together perfectly.
Gary's phone broke their conversation, it was Howard. Gary answered using the hands free "hiya mate what's wrong?" "Loads of paps outside the farm Gaz, just to let you know" Howard's voice echoed around the Car. Omg that was really Howard's voice Sandy screamed inside her head, her stomach started to churn, not just because Howard had been on the phone but because the paps are waiting outside Howard's for Gary. "thanks for the heads up mate, see you soon" Gary replied clicking off the phone. He looked at Sandy, "well it's up to you gorgeous, either drive through them or you could get in the back and lie down on the back seat?, it's up to you" he reached over and took hold of her hand and give it a reassuring squeeze.
Sandy really did not want to drive through them, she was not ready for that, "would you mind if I got in the back Gary, I don't think I am ready to put myself on show like that and I know I may be all over the morning papers tomorrow but.. " her voice trailed off. " Sandy I understand completely, in the back it is" he smiled at her. It was the right thing to do.
About half a mile from Howard's Gary pulled over and stopped the car. " ok gorgeous, get yourself in the back, and don't be getting to comfortable in there because I may have to stop the car and come and join you" He always manages to make every situation ok, he is amazing Sandy thought and smiled to herself as she lay down on the back seat, behind the dark windows and out of sight.
Sandy could feel the road becoming very bumpy, they must be nearly at the farm. She heard Gary in the front "oh shit, there is about a dozen, are you ready, here we go" Sandy had her face firmly facing the leather seats, but even with out looking up she could see the flashes lighting up the whole car. She was shaking. She could hear all the paps shouting Gary's name. Gary kept his windows closed and did not say one word. Howard had opened the front gates and the Black Range Rover slipped through them just before they closed. " we are inside sweetheart, everything is fine" Gary shouted to her in the back. Sandy did not sit up straight away, she just lay there with her eyes closed and her heart beating double time. The car came to a halt in the courtyard at the back of the farm and Gary got out and opened the back door. "You ok?" He asked softly. Sandy got out of the car and stepped into his open arms. "How do you do this everyday Gary, I was terrified and I had my eyes covered" he kissed her head and smiled "I have just had to get used to it over the years but it was a little bit heightened today with the separation statement being released this morning" he gave her another hug and grabbed her hand, "come on let's get you in the house so you can meet Dougie and Katie"

After the initial kissing and "it's lovely to meet you" the four headed to a small living room along side the kitchen for a well deserved cup of tea. Howard was exactly how he appears on TV, down to earth, funny and very welcoming. Katie was down to earth to, very beautiful, and made Sandy feel at ease. Howard delivered drinks on a tray to the coffee table in between the two couches they sat on. "Thanks mate" Gary said while leaning over and picking up his cup" Howard picked up his and looked over to Sandy " what do you do Sandy?" He asked "Gaz had told us nothing about you he has just been bragging to us about the amazing sex you have been having" Gary nearly spat his mouthful of tea everywhere as did Katie. They both shouted in unison "Howard!!" Howard burst out laughing, "sorry Sandy, it's just my way of welcoming you" Sandy giggled and Gary reached over to grab her hand "it's a good job your thick skinned" he smiled. Sandy looked at Howard and began to speak "it's ok Howard" she started " Gary has already told me that you use funny quips to divert away from your own closeted sexuality" Gary laughed so hard Sandy could see tears rolling down his face, Katie got up from her seat and came over to Sandy with her hand in the air to high 5 her, Sandy got up and the two women touched palms and had a chuckle. Howard was smirking to himself "bloody scouser's" he said shaking his head. He lent over to Sandy and gave her a big hug "touché Sandy, I think we are going to get along just fine"

Dinner was to be served at 8.00pm, so Gary and Sandy went to their room to change. " who else is coming tonight Gary?" she asked while sitting at the dressing table putting the final touches to her make up. " "Howard's brother Glenn and his wife Laura and Howard's old friend John and his Girlfriend Emma, they are all really nice, you will be fine" he reassured her.
Gary had on a black three piece suit and a white shirt and looked absolutely gorgeous and Sandy had opted for a midnight blue jumpsuit, with just a little bit of bling, and her new earrings, well it was New Years Eve after all. Sandy was quite nervous as they headed down for dinner, Gary knew she was nervous and kept tight hold of her hand. They walked in to the same room they had had tea in earlier and was offered a glass of Champagne by Howard, they both took a sip and joined everyone else in the centre of the room. Everyone was introduced to Sandy. The three girls came over and started to chat, Sandy's grip on Gary's hand reduced as she began to feel more comfortable in everyone's company. Sandy thought it was a bit strange that nobody mentioned the news of Gary's separation as it was on the front of every newspaper and on every news channel all day. She made a mental note to ask Gary later. The Four girls stood together asking Sandy about how she met Gary, and how was it going. Gary stood with the Guys but kept catching Sandy's eye and smiling to check she was ok. The chit chat was interrupted by Howard shouting that dinner is being served. They all moved next door to the Dining Room. A large eight seater table stood centre stage in the contemporary decorated room and Howard escorted everyone to there seats. Sandy was placed between Gary and Howard, she sat down, Gary lent over and whispered in her ear. "Let our New Year begin gorgeous" Sandy smiled and caught his stare. Gary lifted his Champagne glass as did Sandy and the two pieces of crystal touched with a "clink".

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