Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Aaaaaaagh" Sandy screams down the phone to Ali "Guess who came into work today" "Prince Charles, David Cameron, Robin Hood" Ali replied sarcastically "Oh very funny Ali!!! It was GARY BARLOW" Sandy shouts.. She starts to explain to Ali what happened, what he was wearing and how gorgeous he was. Ali started to speak over Sandy's ranting " you do know he is married with kids, sorry to burst your bubble and also I don't think your new boss would be very impressed if you are going giddy over a parent even if it is Aaaaaagh Gary Barlow" "your mocking me aren't you" Sandy said over Ali's laughter.

The next morning Sandy arrived in work still a bit Star Struck. She had liked Take That in the nineties and when they had gotten back together her and Ali had gone to a couple of their concerts. But seeing him that close up was like a dream.

When she eventually sat down at her desk a large brown envelope was resting against her computer screen. Hand written on it was her name in block capitals MISS WINTERS she turned around and asked Elaine who had put it there "it was there 15 minutes ago when I came in" Sandy looked at it, shook it and felt it all over, shall i open it she thought, well it does have my name on it and as Ali would say "it would be rude not to" She opened the envelope and out came a small envelope and a letter. The letter was hand written and Sandy started to read it.

Dear Miss Winters
Thanks so much for looking after Libby yesterday.
Please accept 2 tickets to my solo gig in Manchester next Friday, for you and a friend.

"OMG" "OMG" Sandy shouted out loud "what's in the envelope " Elaine asked as she came over to take a look. "Only 2 tickets to his concert next week...OMG"

As the day went on Sandy must have sung every Take That song that Elaine new and some she didn't. At lunch time Sandy text Ali playing it down (well for the first two seconds)

Text To Ali - Can you come over next Friday, got tickets for a small gig need a plus 1 xxx

Text To Sandy - Sounds interesting could do with a good night out.. Who' playing? xxx

Text to Ali - GARY BARLOW (scream) 2 tickets as a thank you for looking after his daughter yesterday on my desk this morning.. Aaaaaaagh OMG xxx

Text to Sandy - Calm down your 38 not 18 xxx

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