Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Sandy woke up the next morning with a banging headache, it was not from the wine the previous evening, it was from the hour she had spent crying her self to sleep, it was a good job it was Saturday.

She new she had done the right thing, Ali was right, she could not start another relationship were she always came second best to a wife. She had done that for the last 13 years with Jack and she could not do it again. She would rather be lonely on her own knowing that she was not hurting anyone, than lonely sitting waiting for a phone call, a text or a knock on the door, which more often than not did not come. Gary seemed different, he treated her like a lady, but he was still married.

Sandy finally got out of bed at 12.30pm, she didn't really get up as such, she just moved herself and her duvet to the couch. She rang Ali and told her all the lovely details first and then explained why she left. Ali understood and reassured her that she had done the right thing. "Why does doing the right thing hurt so much?" Sandy asked Ali " I can't answer that Sandy" she replied knowing her friend was suffering "Has he rang you to explain why"asked Ali "oh I have not checked my phone, but I don't think so I would of heard it" Sandy rummaged in her bag from the previous night. "Needs Charging" she informed Ali. "Never mind Sandy, get yourself showered and changed, come and stay with us tonight if you want" "No I'm fine honest" replied Sandy "if I need you I know your at the end of the phone"

After she put the phone down she reached for the phone charger, that was in the socket next to the couch, and plugged in her phone. As soon as it came on text after text came in, all of them from Gary. What should she do, look at them or delete them? She was very tempted to look but she pressed delete all and with one push of the button Gary's texts had disappeared. The phone beeped again another text. Then the phone rang, it was Gary "oh no I can't speak to you right now I need a bit of time" she explained to the ringing phone and she put it under the cushion. She started to cry again, what a lovely evening, it could have been the start of something amazing, she thought as tears rolled down her face.

After about an hour and many unanswered texts and phone calls curiosity got the better of her and she looked at the phone again 35 texts and 18 missed calls. "Oh my goodness" she said out loud, maybe I should give him a chance to explain, she opened the first text.

Text from a Gary - Please Sandy call me I can explain. I am not married, I am separated, we live separate lives. She lives in the house and I live in an Apartment in the centre of Manchester. I really enjoyed our evening and would love to see you again to explain in more detail. I didn't mean to hurt you. G x

Sandy looked at the text."why didn't you tell me that" she said to her phone "why is it not in the newspapers if you have split up with your wife" Sandy didn't know what to believe and at that moment she didn't have the answers to them questions. Her phone rang as she held it and it made her jump, it was Gary. She let it ring. She was confused. He could be telling the truth or it could be a lie to get her into bed. The phone rang again, what should she do, she needed answers. She answered with a very soft voice "Hello" "Sandy thank god your ok" he started " I am really sorry about last night you didn't give me chance to explain, I am separated from my wife, we live in different homes, please say something" " I don't know what to say" she answered " why is it not in the papers" she continued "because there was no need to make a big announcement nobody else was involved, we just fell out of love, but we wanted it to stay as normal as possible for Libby" Gary explained how they had grew up together and eventually got married 10 years ago, after they had Libby they realised that it was just friendship between them and stated living separately, it was a natural progression, nobody was hurt it was mutual. "I feel so stupid, ruining a beautiful evening but after my time with Jack, I don't want to go back to being the other woman" Sandy explained " I understand" he added " you see I was going to explain to you over dinner but when you started talking about being in a relationship with a married man, I didn't know if you wanted the same type of relationship as me" "I just want a normal relationship" Sandy said quietly. Gary understood completely and asked if they could start all over again. Sandy was over the moon. Gary was away in London for the next few days, so Sandy had plenty of time to think.

It had arrived, the last day of term, all the children were very exited about Christmas, lots of loud voices around. A small blonde lady arrived at the reception window. Elaine took charge "Can I help you" asked Elaine " yes hi" said the very attractive lady, she looked around the same age as Sandy, but with short blonde hair and minimal makeup "are you Miss Winters" she asked " no but I will get her for you" Sandy was in the back, Elaine shouted her but she did not hear her. "Won't keep you a second, please take a seat" Elaine told her. Elaine went to the back "Sandy" she shouted "yes" answered Sandy "there is someone in reception for you" she lowered her voice "it's Mrs Barlow" Sandy went white. "Ok Elaine, show her into the back office I will see her there" Sandy stood there feeling physically sick, "what did she want? Was Gary telling the truth" Sandy thought. She walked to the back office and took a deep breath and walked in. Keeping it professional Sandy extended her hand "Sandy Winters, how can I help you" the attractive lady extended her hand "Anna Barlow nice to meet you" Sandy's heart had sunk so low into her chest she couldn't hear it. Anna continued "I just wanted to meet you really, Gary has told me so much about you" Both ladies smiled at each other, Sandy's smile was relief. Gary was telling the truth and everything was going to be fine. The two ladies made small talk for a couple of minutes until Anna made an excuse and left.

Gary phoned that evening and Sandy told him of her meeting with Anna. " I knew she couldn't wait to meet you, I told her I would introduce her at some point, Christ we have only had one proper date" laughed Gary "it was not a problem, she is very pretty" said Sandy "and you are very beautiful" replied Gary. He could not see her smile from the other end of the phone. "Sandy I will be back tomorrow but I have got a meeting on Thursday in New York, I wondered if you wanted to come with me?" Gary asked "The New York in America, oh my god that would be amazing" Sandy screamed. Gary laughed and explained that he had a meeting Thursday afternoon with his record company and after that they could go out for dinner and do a bit of sightseeing the next day and they will be back on Saturday night, just in time for Christmas on Monday.

Sandy put down the phone and screamed "Aaaaaagh"

She rang Ali "guess where I am going on Thursday" "Oh not this again" teased Ali "Gary's bedroom" she answered laughing. "Not yet" sniggered Sandy "It's New York... Baby" they both screamed down the phone. Ali was pleased for Sandy after all the anguish of the week before. I suppose a couple of days away on their own couldn't hurt.

No Ordinary Love - A Gary Barlow FFOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz