Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

They arrived back in Manchester, it was cold, damp and dark typical British weather. They had arranged to see each on New Years Eve, as Gary was spending Christmas with Libby.

Once home Sandy flopped onto the couch, she was so tired. She grabbed the phone and called Ali. "I'm back" Sandy sang down the phone " I didn't think you'd come back" laughed Ali "How was it, give me all the details" "well a lady never tells" laughed Sandy "Forget about all that shit, tell me everything" demanded Ali.

The next morning was Christmas Eve and Sandy was packing her bags to go and stay at Ali and Adams. She was all ready, she locked up her apartment and headed to the Car Park. She stood in front of her car and shook her head, four flat tyres, " I've only been away a couple of days" she thought. She reached for her phone and called the RAC, it would be twenty minutes before they arrive she put all her bags in the boot and text Gary.

Text to Gary: On my way to Ali's for Christmas, Cars got 4 Flat Tyres, waiting for RAC, xx

Her phone rang, it was Gary " you ok, do you want me to come over" he asked. "No I'm fine just a bit of an inconvenience," she answered "so you just text me to pass the time" he laughed "no no of course not" she giggled. Sandy confirmed the arrangements for New Years Eve with him before putting the phone down as the RAC arrived.

She finally arrived at Ali and Adams, they lived in old semi-detached house on a leafy street in a really beautiful part of Liverpool. "Did you take a detour" asked Ali "we've been waiting for you for ages" "no" answered Sandy "I had four flat tyres, had to wait for the RAC, all sorted now" Adam took her coat and bags to the spare room, he thought one flat tyre would be normal but four, he shook his head and put it to the back of his mind. Ali got them all a coffee and started grilling Sandy about Gary. "Do you want me to sit under a bare light bulb while you are interrogating me, or is sitting on a comfy couch acceptable" Sandy laughed. "It's just that there is something different about you" said Ali "I don't know what it is I can't put my finger on it" "I'm happy, very happy" explained Sandy "much happier now compared to being with Jack" she smiled, a beautiful smile that lit up her whole face.

Ali had only met Jack a couple of times in the thirteen years he had been with Sandy, and that was more than enough. He wasn't what she would of chosen for Sandy. He was very manipulating and sneaky, always bringing Sandy around to his way of thinking. Ali had made her dislike for him quite clear over the years and the two girls had agreed to disagree. Sandy and Jack didn't go anywhere together, well they couldn't because Jack always had the fear of being caught by his wife. All the relationship consisted of was two nights a week Jack would come around to Sandy's place and sleep with her, they may have a few drinks, watch a film or order Chinese food, but to be honest the whole relationship was about sex. That suited Sandy during the first few years but after a while she wanted something more. But more was something Jack could not give. Sandy realised that Jack was never going to leave his wife and with Ali's help she left Jack, her home and her job and started her new life in Manchester. Jack was not impressed with Sandy's decision and was extremely annoyed that she wanted a clean break and would not give him any of her contact details. In fact Jack as usual, had blamed Ali for Sandy's decision to leave him. He did not take it very well and begged Sandy to stay. She had made her mind up and she had stuck to it. Ali was so proud of her.

Christmas morning arrived and Ali was like a big kid, she loved Christmas. The three of them had a champagne breakfast, consisting of various flavoured pastries, freshly squeezed juices and fresh fruit and yoghurt and of course a glass of Champagne with a whole strawberry bobbing up and down in the bubbly liquid all lovingly prepared by Adam. Once finished they opened their presents, the living room was full of discarded wrapping paper, you would have thought the owners of this house had a couple of kids.
The doorbell rang and Adam jumped up to see who it was. After a minute or so he shouted "Sandy it's for you" she got up and walked to the door still in her pyjamas. A young geeky guy about 25 years old stood in the doorway with a box. "Can I help you" Sandy asked looking a bit bewildered, as she was joined at the door by Ali "Miss Winters, I am Josh, Mr Barlow's assistant, I have been asked to drop off this box " he held a medium sized brown paper wrapped box , the top was beautifully decorated with fresh holly and vintage lace ribbon, it was beautiful, he passed it to Sandy. "Thank you so much Josh, Merry Christmas, nice to meet you and I can only apologise for my attire" they all laughed. Ali and Sandy returned to the living room with the box and placed it on the coffee table. Sandy stared at it with a big smile "open it then" urged Ali, Sandy opened it very carefully, she removed a large amount of bubble wrap before picking out a small black and gold gift bag. "Oooooh I am so exited" screamed Sandy as she read the card on the bag.

Merry Christmas
Can't wait to see you again
G xx

Sandy smiled at Ali. "Open it" screamed Ali, the two girls giggled like schoolgirls. Sandy opened the bag and pulled out a small black cushioned box. She opened it very carefully, the two friends looked inside, a pair of diamond stud earrings sat on the black velvet that lined the inside of the box "oh my goodness" said Sandy "they are beautiful, just beautiful" she put them in straight away "I think I may cry" she told Ali. Ali came over to her and gave her a big hug.

Sandy text Gary to thank him.

Text to Gary - Merry Christmas and Thank you so much for the beautiful earrings, I love them xx

A text came back immediately

Text to Sandy - Merry Christmas Gorgeous glad you like them, can't wait to see you next week when I will be expecting you to thank me in person lol G xx

She replied while slowly smirking at the saucy text.

Text to Gary - Can't wait to see you either and as requested will be thanking you in person lol Have a lovely day see you soon xx

Ali watched her closely as she text him. She had never seen her friend this happy.

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