Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The day had finally arrived Sandy stood in the centre of her bedroom, dressed in Blue Jeans, Floral Blouse and a Navy Blazer, she looked really good even if she said so herself. She had chosen to wear her contacts, well it's a night out why not. He stomach was in knots "why do I feel like this" she said out loud "I feel like a kid in a sweet shop" she was brought back to the real world by a very loud knock on the door. Sandy ran to open it "hello hello come on in" she sung to Ali "i am so exited " Ali turned and waved at Adam who was sitting in the car " Bye see you later" Adam was Ali's Husband, he was a really lovely guy with a great sense of humour and he treated Ali like a princess and for your best friend that is all you wish for. They had been together for 5 years and married for 3 of them they didn't have any children at the moment but Sandy new they would both be wonderful parents when that time came.

They arrived at the Theatre. Outside Sandy could read

"Tonight for one night only - Mr Gary Barlow"

Sandy looked at Ali "Ooooh I can't wait" They both started to giggle.

They took their seats in the old theatre, it was so beautiful, it looked so royal with gold detail everywhere and big thick red velvet curtains, it must have been over a hundred years old. They had really good seats, the last two seats on the 3rd row. The lights went down and Sandy's stomach turned over. The stage lights came on! The music started and Gary ran on stage and everyone cheered. He looked amazing Black 2 piece suit, white shirt and black tie, stubble groomed to perfection. He started to sing...

"Today this could be the greatest day of your life"

Sandy and Ali stood up and joined in clapping and singing along he was incredible, the atmosphere was electric. Sandy looked over at Ali and whispered in her ear over the loud music.. " Ali I know him!!!" " No you don't" replied Ali laughing "and" she continued "he is married" both girls laughed and rejoined the fun.

After about half a dozen songs Gary announced that he would sing one more then he will be back after the break. Ali and Sandy had agreed to head to the bar for a drink. Just as the song was about to finish a lady appeared, "Miss Winters" "yes" Sandy replied "If you can follow me Mr Barlow would like you and your friend to join him for a glass of Champagne in his Dressing Room" Sandy could hear herself say "yes of course" but inside all she could hear was "Holy Fuck... Holy Fuck". They followed the lady through an exit door, Sandy did not look at Ali at all, as all she could concentrate on was putting one foot in front of the other while her mouth was dry as a bone and her palms where dripping with sweat and she could have lost her last meal at any moment.

They arrived back stage, and all 3 stood in front of a red door with a gold star on it. The lady knocked.. "Come in.." They heard. Sandy was screaming inside, the lady opened the door. "In you go Miss Winters" Thank you so much" replied Sandy. As she walked in Gary was standing in the middle of the floor holding a glass of Champagne " He came straight over and kissed them both on the cheek and introduced himself to Ali. He handed both of them a Champagne Flute filled to a respectable level. "I hope you didn't mind me sending over the tickets for the show, I just wanted to thank you for helping Libby last week " No thank you" said Sandy "the show is brilliant we have had a great night so far" "how is Libby now, I have not seen her in school this week" Sandy added "Are you telling me off for keeping her at home Miss Winters" he laughed " Of course not Mr Barlow" the 3 of them laughed. "And it's Gary Miss Winters" "Ok Mr B.. Gary and you can call me Sandy" It sounded so stupid so lame she thought and you can call me Sandy she mocked at her self. " 5 minutes Mr Barlow" a runner called "

Sandy and Ali walked back to their seats. Sandy looked at Ali "don't say anything Sandy" Ali shook her head "i can't believe what has just happened" They both stood in silence. The music began again and Gary run out on stage Sandy leaned over to Ali's ear "we know him" she said. They both fell about laughing.

Gary sang a couple more songs then introduced the band and everyone applauded "I would just like to take this opportunity to thank a friend of mine for helping to make a nasty situation so much better, she is here tonight so thank you again and this song is for you" Sandy was dumb struck.. She could feel her stomach doing cartwheels and her cheeks where bright red. "Oh my god. Oh my god" she said out loud . Gary started to sing..

"You light, the skies up above me. A star, so bright you blind me"

"He is absolutely gorgeous, and I can't speak my voice has gone, we actually met him, oh my god it was amazing" Sandy informed Ali on their way home. Although Ali too had had an amazing evening the only thing that she kept thinking about was that he was married, she didn't want Sandy going all dough eyed for him and his wife turning up at school and her loosing her job and her new life. Maybe she was just being a bit over cautious with her friend after what she had been through with Jack, but Ali had seen the way Gary had looked at Sandy, something Sandy missed with all the excitement, Maybe she should just let her friend enjoy the memories of an amazing night.

No Ordinary Love - A Gary Barlow FFWhere stories live. Discover now