Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

All night Sandy stared at the text, Hope to see you again soon, they are the exact words on the text. He wants to see me again. A small smile appeared on Sandy's face, then it became bigger and bigger, until it turned into a laugh then eventually a scream. Aaaaaaaah.
Screamed Sandy.

Sandy arrived at school the next morning, full of the joys of spring, even though it was the end of November. "What's the matter with you" asked Elaine "nothing, just happy" replied Sandy, Elaine lifted her eyebrows and smirked to herself.

Sandy had not been happier in a long time. All the turmoil with Jack over the last two years, then her decision to move away completely and make a fresh start had took its toll on her. Before starting her new job she had questioned if she had done the right thing many many times and today Sandy felt that she had and this was the start of a new chapter in her life.

She hadn't told Ali about the text because Ali would have mentioned the M word and at the moment Sandy was keeping the M word at the very back of her mind.

Half way through the morning Sandy headed to the kitchen to make herself and Elaine a well deserved cup of tea. Sandy returned to the office with a small tray carrying two mugs of tea. Elaine jumped up from her seat and shouted "Look what's arrived for you" Sandy turned to her desk to see a beautiful bouquet of flowers, she walked over to take a look as a smile slowly formed on her face. "Oh they are beautiful" she said and they where beautiful, all shades of winter, red, green and orange. Sandy noticed a card and took it off the arrangement. "Well !!!" enquired Elaine "Well what?" answered Sandy "who are they from" questioned Elaine "they will probably be from Ali" Sandy answered. Elaine took the hint that Sandy didn't want her to know so she sat back down at her desk.

Sandy opened the small white sealed envelope. She didn't know who they where from but she felt her stomach turn over and she hurried to take the card from the envelope. She looked at the card, her face flushed instantly her stomach turned again, her palms had become sweaty. "Oh my god" she said out loud but careful not to let Elaine hear "oh my god" she looked at the card again and read the words again.

Miss Winters
Would really like you to join me for dinner on Friday evening at 7.30pm at Cafe Bleu.
If you text me your address I will have a car pick you up.

Sandy got home from work and sat down exhausted on the couch. She wanted to go, she really did but the M word keeps jumping into her thoughts. She rang Ali, not mentioning that she had text him. She new what she was going to say before she picked the phone up. She told Ali and as Sandy had predicted Ali gave her a lecture on married men and about Sandy starting up another relationship with someone, albeit Gary Barlow, who is married and months or years down the line being in the same situation again. Sandy new she was right., But the situation seemed different, she wanted to go on the date. It was Wednesday evening she had nothing planned for the weekend apart from the obvious there was no other reason why she shouldn't go. Sandy text her address to Gary

Text to Gary - Thanks so much for the flowers and I would love to have dinner with you. My address is Apartment 27, River Quay, Manchester Docklands see you Friday. Sandy

A text came back straight away

Text to Sandy - Great, will have a car pick you up at 7.15 see you Friday GB

Sandy changed her mind many times over the next couple of days. But by Friday afternoon she was defiantly going and her outfit had been picked out. A grey cocktail dress with black shoes and bag and silver earrings, understated but perfect. As she arrived home from work the nerves had set in. She had a shower and put her hair up in a loose bun. She did her makeup but did not overdo it, natural and classic suited her perfectly. All she needed to do was put on her dress and she was good to go. The phone rang, Sandy's butterflies where back, she picked it up. It was Ali. "You know how I feel Sandy but I do hope you have a lovely night, I will be thinking of you" "thanks so much Ali" Sandy replied a little relieved her friend seemed to be coming around to the idea. " I will ring you in the morning".

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