Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Sandy and Gary arrived at their New York Hotel mid morning on Thursday. The Hotel was beautiful a small boutique hotel situated in the Hells Kitchen area of New York very contemporary in design and with amazing views of the city. They took the lift to their room. Gary asked Sandy was she ok with one room, because he could always book another if he was being to forward, Sandy reassured him it was fine as he took hold of her hand and squeezed it.
"Wow look at the view it's breathtaking" shouted Sandy running over to the floor to ceiling windows, the room over looked the tranquil Hudson River. "Right" sighed Gary "I've got to go, I will be back at 7.30 to take you to dinner" he moved over to where Sandy was standing and kissed her so softly on the lips. "And we will continue this later" Gary raised his eyebrows and smiled at Sandy. Oh my god she thought, with one sentence and a raised eyebrow I'm week at the knees.

When Gary had left Sandy looked around "it's really beautiful, I can't believe I'm here" she said out loud "I am in a New York Hotel room that I am SHARING with GARY BARLOW arrrrgh" she screamed, her voice going up and down in volume. She decided to go and have a look around. She took her handbag and headed for the lobby. It was beautiful, deep rich colours, plush seating areas, super shiny floor and flowers everywhere. As she headed for the door the doorman opened it and wished her a nice day. Sandy headed for the shops.

She had a great afternoon she did a little bit of Christmas Shopping and bought herself a beautiful black lace shift dress for dinner this evening from Bloomingdales. While still in the store she wanted to buy Gary something to thank him for the trip, "What do you buy a man who has probably got everything he needs and more" she thought. She settled on a pair of Black Leather Gloves, she asked the assistant to gift wrap them.

She arrived back at the hotel about 5 o'clock, "plenty of time to get ready" she thought.

The bathroom was as big as Sandy's whole apartment. Everything was white and chrome and extremely clean. She filled the bath and lay there unable to comprehend how she had ended up here " it's a dream, I will wake up in a second" she smiled. She carefully got ready, she wanted everything to be perfect. Make-up, not too much, natural and classic, hair up to leave her shoulders bare., jewellery, earrings only today, she looked in the mirror and smiled. "Perfect"

She was ready for 7.15 just as Gary arrived back in the room "oooooh" he slid his arms around her waist " you look absolutely fantastic " don't say that Gary" they both laughed at his unofficial catchphrase "You look amazing" he corrected himself and kissed her cheek. "Shall we stay in instead" he smiled raising his eyebrows" Sandy laughed "I'll be 10 minutes" he said and disappeared into the bathroom.

They headed out of the room hand in hand, Sandy felt overjoyed, she had the biggest smile. "Where are we going" she asked after they had gotten into the waiting car " now that would be telling" Gary smiled and squeezed her hand. He looked so handsome in a grey suit and tie, it just fitted him perfectly. She could not contain her excitement, the butterflies in her stomach where now situated in her chest, next to her heart that was beating double time. "God only knows how I am going to eat dinner" she thought.

The car pulled up to Pier 81 on the Hudson River, along the pier Sandy could see a large white yacht, a huge smile engulfed her face. "A dinner cruise" she questioned Gary " yes a moonlight dinner cruise" he answered and winked at Sandy " how am I doing out of ten so far" he asked, Sandy laughed and told him she would let him know at the end of the night. He put his arm around her and guided her up the pier. As they entered the yacht a crew member was waiting to seat them, a window seat naturally. As they sat down a young couple came up to the table and asked for a photo with Gary, Sandy was quite amused by this and even more so when they asked her to take it. Gary smiled beautifully for the photograph and signed the couples menu card and they went back to their table. "That was really nice of you" Sandy smiled "I know" he sniggered " I'm a nice guy"

They had a great evening the view from the table was amazing, the skyline of New York lit up for all to see. The meal was delicious and Gary had chosen a beautiful Californian Wine to complement it, he was really into his wine and was a member of a very prestigious wine club, the word geek came to Sandy's mind and she laughed to herself. After they had finished eating they went up on deck, it was mild for the time of year, but it was still quite chilly. Sandy looked out at the sensational views and Gary stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her to keep her warm. He squeezed her tight as if he did not want to let her go, no words were needed but both new that this was a very special moment.

They heard music from the lower deck "would you care to dance, Miss Winters" Gary asked "I would love to Mr Barlow" they both headed downstairs to the dance floor. "I thought you where the one that couldn't dance" laughed Sandy over the loud music " I have some great moves " Gary answered " but not all of them are for public view" he laughed "Mr Barlow was that an innuendo? And I always thought you were the shy one" Gary smiled at her and they both laughed. The music started to slow down and Gary took hold of Sandy, his arms strong around her, she put her arms around his neck and they moved in very close. They danced cheek to cheek, his stubble feeling soft against her skin, his fingers drawing circles on her back, she touched his hair with her fingertips, he moaned down her ear and pushed his body closer still. After two songs, Gary whispered in her ear "we need to get back to the hotel" Sandy smiled and Gary looked at his watch. "We dock in 10 minutes". They collected their jackets and Sandy's bag and waited on the upper deck. They docked and everyone disembarked. The car was waiting for them. They headed back to the hotel. Gary kept hold of Sandy's hand the entire journey, and kissed her cheek. Sandy leaned over to him and cupped his face with her free hand feeling the soft stubble beneath, she kissed his soft lips. "I have had an amazing night, thank you and the answer to your question is 10 out of 10" she whispered, he smiled and whispered back "it's not over yet.

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