Part 17 - Leslie

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The noise is deafening inside of the party. At around 8, the results start filing in. I sit at the bar with a martini in my hand, my best friend on one side of me, and my boyfriend on the other. Ben has his arm around me and Ann has her hand on my shoulder. Lining the bar is the rest of the Parks Department and Chris.

I smile as the numbers show me higher than any other candidate by hundreds of votes. The results from the final precinct roll in. I close my eyes and as I close them, I hear massive cheers behind me. I won. I open my eyes to see my portrait on the screen, smiling back at me. I won.

"Do you believe me now that you had this in the bag?" Says Ben cheerfully backstage.
"Fine. But I didn't want to jinx it. So... we have something to talk about." I say nervously.
"We do? Now?"
"It doesn't have to be now, but I want to talk about it sometime tonight, just to get it out of the way."
"What might this be concerning?" He looks nervous. Did I take on too odd of a tone of voice?
"Elmer doesn't deserve your job."
"If you don't want it, I understand. But you were amazing in that job! Plus, I could see you at work! And I wouldn't feel awful for being the cause of you losing it in the first place!"
"OK. First, You weren't the cause of me losing my job, Bobby was. And secondly, I don't want to see you at work."
"What? Why?"
He sighs a little.
"I talked to Chris a while ago. He showed me the exact wording of the rule. We still can't legally date if we both work in city hall."
"That's bullsh*t! We've been dating outside of City Hall! We're in an amazing relationship! This isn't some sex scheme!"
"I know. Look. Tonight is your night. We'll talk about this tomorrow."
"I never could've done this without you, Mr. Campaign manager."
"Yeah you could've. You're so amazing you could've done this on your own."
"I would've driven myself insane."
"Ok, that's probably true."
I hear a hush fall over the crowd outside, followed by Ann starting her introduction. I kiss Ben quickly on the cheek. I start to turn around to go make my speech, but Ben grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me in for a longer, lasting kiss.
"Knock 'em dead." He says, finally letting me go.
"Ladies and gentlemen, my best friend, and your new City Councilwoman, Leslie Barbara Knope!" I push through the doors and walk onstage.
As I stand up there, it hits me.
This is really happening. I just landed my dream job. Sure, it was a rocky road with almost losing Ben in the process, but I'm here now. As I recite my speech, I become aware of the tears hot in my eyes.
"I'd like to say a huge thank you to my campaign team. Ann, Chris, Tom, April, Andy, Donna, Ron, I couldn't have done this without you guys, my best friends in the world. And the biggest thank you goes to my campaign manager and boyfriend, Ben. He's supported me every step of the way, even when those steps meant sacrificing his own needs. I will never, ever be able to repay you, and I owe you about a billion favors. I love you." The crowd sighs a little bit. I look around the room but can't see Ben anywhere. He must still be backstage.
I go around the crowd, talking to various people. Each congratulates me, then a lot add something they want me to put through the council. Ah, so heartfelt! I'm talking with Donna when Ben steps in beside me.
"I know! I just can't believe it. It's all just so- Ben! Hi!"
"Hey! Sorry I missed your speech."
""You did? Aww. It's OK."
"Girl's into you, Wyatt." "Donna says with a smirk. Ben's face grows stonelike
"Please tell me she didn't talk about my butt onstage."
"I didn't." I say, laughing a little. His face loosens into a smile and he puts an arm around my waist. We talk to Donna a bit more until she has to take a phone call.
"So. Where were you?" I ask Ben as she leaves.
"You said you were sorry you missed my speech. I'm just curious where you were."
"Oh. Um, we should talk about this more privately."
"What? Oh, um. OK."
"Do you want to talk now?"
"Oh! Sure!"
He guides me to an empty conference room and we sit down facing each other.
"So, while I was gone, I was talking with Chris. He approached me and asked me the same thing you asked me; if we should get our jobs back. We had a really long talk about it. Turns out, he also wants to start dating someone in the government. So we've decided that we're going to go through City Council and try to get the rule changed."
"Really?! That's amazing! Then we can date and work together and Chris can date this woman and everyone will be happy!"
"Yeah! That's the plan! But, we're only going to do that if you're serious about offering the job back to us."
"Ben! Are you kidding? Of course you should have the job!"
I glare at him a little bit as if to ask if he was being serious. He laughs a little and pulls me in for a kiss.

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