Part 24 - Ben

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I try calling Leslie again to no avail. This is not like her. She doesn't just let a phone call drop unless her phone is broken or she's legally not allowed to take the call. I instead call Ann.


"Hey, Ann."

"Hey. Is... is something wrong?"

"Uh... Leslie's not picking up any of my calls. I was wondering if you knew somewhere I could reach her or if something is wrong with her phone?"

"Oh...she kind of threw her phone against a wall."

"Really? Why?" I say, laughing a little. 

"They're trying to recall her." All hints of laughter vanish. 

"Recall her? As in, recall her from City Council? Who in their right mind would-"

"Marcia Langman."


"There's already a whole committee and apparently a game plan on their side. Leslie's scrambling to fight back. One of their attack methods was to spam her phone with awful texts, so she broke her phone."

"OK. She's organizing a plan to fight back? That's good. Um... at this point her best bet is media. Get ads out about how she shouldn't be recalled and how amazing she is as a City Councilwoman, without seeming cocky. You know what? Does she have someone leading the operation yet?"

"Not to my knowledge."

"I'll come down to help. I need to get out of Fredrickson anyways. I'll be back in Pawnee as soon as I can."

"Thanks, Ben. She'll appreciate it. "



Chris looks over at me with wide eyes.


"I'm going back to Pawnee after work tomorrow. It's too late tonight and we have the Task Force meeting tomorrow, but I need to get home as soon as possible."

"I can take the Task Force meeting!"

"Remember what would happen when we slashed budgets separately?" I say, giving him a sideways glance.

"I got a grand total of 2% of the budget slashed." he says, his voice falling a bit. 

"Exactly. I need to run it. But I'll pack tonight. I might be staying for a little bit. Will you be OK here without me?"

"I will be just fine!"


The next day is when all hell broke loose.  

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