Part 28 - Ben

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Dear Ida,
It's been almost 3 months since the incident regarding you kissing me happened. I understand that quickly after, you were fired. That was not related, but if you hadn't already been on the next round of job cuts, I would've probably had you fired anyways.
While I am flattered that you thought of me that way, as I said before, you had no right to kiss me. I had just bought a wedding ring for my girlfriend, and instead she has pretty much broken up with me. The photo was published in multiple newspapers in my former hometown, Pawnee. My at the time girlfriend was trying to stop a bunch of people from recalling her from a local office, which she lost because of the emotional and political impacts of what happened.
Please avoid the urge to kiss someone without their consent in the future.
Ben Wyatt
I read over my email, select all of the text, and delete it all. Part of me feels like Ida should know what her actions caused. The other part of me feels like I should never have any contact with her again.
I rewrite the email and look over it one more time. A wave of fear comes crashing down on me with a new realization.
Leslie may never be in my life again.
I push the thought out of my head. It's too much for me to think about at this point, even though it is (sadly) a reality I may have to face.

Hello everybody! Sorry for not updating. I wrote this part as kind of a short filler and just as something to post. 

The next few parts haven't been written yet, but I'm taking out the POV of Ben for a little just FYI. Don't be confused.

I also got a Tumblr if anyone wants to follow my blog. It's @parksandaddiction.

Thanks and I will try to update again soon!
- K

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