Henry x Reader

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You sat on the bench on the sidewalk, glaring down at the phone in your hand, when you first met him. Henry was off to some "super secret place", on a "super secret mission". At least, that's what he said when he left you.

But before he left, he had sat down next to you for a moment. He was out of breath, probably from running. His hair was tousled and his face flushed. When he first noticed you sitting there next to him quietly, he jumped.

"Er- sorry. I didn't notice you there."

"Nobody ever does." You reply, clicking the power button on your phone so that the chat page would close for a few seconds. When you closed that screen, it felt like a bit of the weight on your shoulders was lifted. But you knew it would settle right back down when you realized that this was real.

Your best friend had just been in a car crash, and you just couldn't help but feel that it was your fault. But Henry didn't know that (Y/F/N) was lying in a hospital bed at this very minute, and you didn't want to transfer even an ounce of the weight on your shoulders to him.

Henry was just catching his breath next to you, and you fully intended to simply ignore him until he left you alone again. But that wasn't his plan.

"Hey, you go to my school, don't you? (Y/N), right?"

"Yeah." Your voice is quiet, but only because you are afraid to speak louder. If you speak above a certain level, you're afraid your voice will crack and you will start to weep. Even thinking about it makes you want to cry.

"I'm really sorry if I'm annoying you for sitting here, but I don't feel like I could run any further at this point. I'm just so tired of running."

"Aren't we all?" Everyone has had a point in their lives where they have had to run for something; whether it be physical or emotional.

"Are you alright, (Y/N)?" It seemed that he already knew your answer to his question. He had a frown on his face and a sad gleam in his eyes.

"Why do you care?" You ask, not wanting to give away why you're sitting here by yourself on this bench, wearing only a t-shirt and thin, flannel pajama pants, when it's chilly and muggy out. You haven't even noticed the shivers wracking your body, but they certainly are there now.

It's surprises you that your body is still capable of doing everyday stuff like shivering. Shouldn't your life have flipped upside down now that you know your best friend has just gotten in a car crash and may actually die just because she was on her way to your house for a sleepover?

"You're outside in 50 degree weather without a coat or even any kind of thick clothes. You're lips are pale and your eyes are bloodshot. Not only am I afraid for your health, but also for your mental state. Are you alright, (Y/N)?" He asks again, a determined look set over his face.

When you don't answer, he stands up. You watch him leave, going back the way he had come from. Across the street, he ran as if his life depended on it. Finally, he's gone and you are all by yourself once again. He was off to some "super secret place", on a "super secret mission". At least, that's what he said when he left you.

You were alone, finally. All at once, the tears you had been holding in escape your eyes. You shiver as you make noises as if you're drowning while you cry. It's not a pretty sight, but it's not like there's anyone around to see you.

Nonetheless, you're embarrassed that you're crying out in public. You cover your face with your hands, wiping your tear streaked face and covering your eyes.

You don't hear him when he runs, panting, back to you.

When you look back up, you can see finally see what's in his clenched fist. Henry is holding a dark, camouflage blanket. Without even asking or saying a single word, he wraps it around your shoulders and tucks it around your legs.

When he's finished, he takes off his gray and red striped scarf and wraps it around your neck, tugging it up so that it covers your frozen ears.

Sitting down right next to you, he stares straight ahead for a full fifteen seconds before speaking. You would know, you counted the time unconsciously as it passed by.

"(Y/N), you don't have to tell me anything about why you look so lonely and down-in-the-dumps, but I just wanted to let you know that I've been through a lot myself, and look at how I turned out! I mean, I'm not dead yet..."

"Thank you, Henry, for the blanket and the scarf," You had only just now realized how much you had needed them, "but aren't you supposed to be somewhere important right now? I'm really grateful, don't get me wrong! But you said you had a super secret mission to go on..." You voice trails off, and you expect him to jump up straight away as if just remembering where he's supposed to be. Then he would leave you, and you would be left with his scarf and blanket, left to drown in your own thoughts.

"Right. Well, I've already gone and completed that mission. My mission was to help you. But now, I think there's something else that I can help you with. So, (Y/N), how about we go to Granny's and I'll buy you some hot chocolate? It looks like you need it." He produces a ten dollar bill from the pocket of his coat, and you nod in agreement.

And over hot chocolate with cinnamon, the two of you swap stories. And while some of the weight on your shoulders transfers to his and helps you to feel lighter, his own stories transfers his own sorrow to your shoulders.

But that doesn't matter to you; you're happy to help him.


-Cara Kama xx

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