Chapter 7

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"Hey Lou?" Harry asks from across the diner table that him and Louis are at. He came to Louis' house and picked him up after he got home from school and to say Louis was surprised, when Harry showed up at his door asking for another date, would be an understatement.

"Yeah?" Louis takes of sip of his tea and closes his eyes behind his sunglasses as the tea courses through him.

"You know two days ago when you came to my house?"

"When you made me that delicious spaghetti?" Louis smiles and leans his face on his hand because school today was exhausting and he really wants his bed.

"Yeah. Well um...before we left when I asked you to come over and you thought we were going to do...sexual things." Harry leans closer to Louis and whispers nervously. "Do you not want to do sexual things? Um...with me?"

Louis' face is red as red, he can feel it and its embarrassing. Louis searches through all his vocabulary something, anything, to say that will lift the awkward tension that had settled over them.

"I mean not anytime soon if that's what you are thinking! I was just asking if in the future? Whenever you are ready or you don't have to be ready. Wait! That's not what I meant. I mean like do you- um like anything- god I don't know. Oh my god, just forget I said anything." Harry's voice is panicked, stressed and embarrassed.

Sex doesn't sound appealing to Louis because everyone says it feels goods and it's such a connecting experience but you can't connect when you're blind. So that's why he is a virgin, that and the fact that no one even notices Louis.

Louis' mouth gapes like a fish as he tries to figure out what to say. That he's the biggest virgin ever because having sex scares him? That the farthest he has ever gone was that kiss with Harry that he didn't even want? That he doesn't even masterbate because nothing turns him on? Nothing interests him. He has only gotten hard about three times in his life. He doesn't even know anything about sex. Should he tell Harry this, maybe to lift the tension and just get it out there? No, he can't that's way too embarrassing and it's no one else's information beside Louis'.

"I'm so sorry Louis." Harry's voice is muffled like he has his face in his hands. "Like forget I said anything it's none of my business. God this is just embarrassing. I'm such an asshole please forgive me." Louis just turns his face down towards his lap in complete embarrassment of both himself and Harry.

"It's okay." Louis says quietly after a few minutes of Harry spitting out apologizes. "Let's just forget you said anything." Louis lifts his head back up to Harry with a shy smile.

"Yeah. Yeah. Okay so how was school today?" Harry asks and Louis goes on for twenty minutes about how horrible everything is and he's still there just because he wants- needs to become an editor. That's all he has going for him.

They spend the rest of the date laughing and joking. The awkward sex question long gone from Louis' mind until he lies in bed that night and wonders if he can even get hard let alone have sex and when he tries to think about arousing things, nothing happens. Maybe Louis can't get hard or maybe he just hasn't found something that arouses him correctly.

Louis sighs and falls asleep with the fact that he's so fucking abnormal.


Harry picked Louis up from work and they are walking, arm and arm, back to Louis' home.

"So did I prove it to you?" Harry asks as they turn a corner.

"Prove what?" Louis asks as a car zooms by them, the smell of a freshly filled gasoline tank filling up his nose.

"That I want you." Harry says and Louis freezes, his feet glue themselves to the sidewalk and his face formed into complete shock. Harry hasn't left, it's Saturday, and it's been over a week. Louis and Harry have been dating for over a week.

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