Chapter 11

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****Warning scenes that some may find upsetting e.g rape encounters****

It's way too early to be waking up but of course Louis is. Something is touching Louis' neck and it's tickling him. Louis tries to move away from it but an arm is holding him still. An arm?

Louis wakes up fully when he realizes that it's Harry's arm. Harry who, last night, Louis told everything to and asked to sleep over. Yeah that Harry and it doesn't bother him one bit expect for the fact that he needs to pee and he can't move.

Louis doesn't open his eyes because he'll still see black so it's not worth the extra energy to lip his eye lids up. Slowly he turns his body to face Harry. He struggles against Harry's arm that squeezes him tighter the more he moves. Once he's facing Harry he really hopes that they aren't too close for Harry's comfort but then again Harry wanted to spoon him.

"Harry." He whispers and it's not needed but he's going to do it anyways. "Harry." He whispers again and sighs when the only reply he gets is a loud snore. Louis brings his hand to Harry's face and pokes him with his finger. "Harry." He whines when Harry just snores louder. "Harry!" Louis shouts and Harry snorts and grips Louis tighter.

"What!? What's going on? Are you okay, Louis?" Harry panics and Louis giggles at him.

"I need to use the bathroom." Louis says and listens to Harry yawn.

"No." That's all Harry says before he wraps is arms tighter around Louis and snuggles his face into Louis' neck. His curls tickle Louis' face and makes Louis giggle. Harry smiles against Louis' neck and shakes his head to tickle Louis face more.

"St-stop!" Louis laughs out and Harry stops but only to move his head away from Louis neck. Louis smiles at Harry and a soft pair of lips kisses him for a second. Harry sighs and unwraps his arms from around Louis and rolls onto his back next to Louis who is glad he can now pee but sad because now he misses Harry's warmth.

Louis smiles at where Harry is and he gets up to uses the restroom, hoping Harry isn't being creepy and looking in. Louis flushes the toilet and walks back out of the bathroom. The sound of a zipper and clothes being put on make Louis stop in his tracks. Harry is leaving and Louis wanted him to stay so they could cuddle in bed and the Harry will make him breakfast just like all the books he likes to read.

"Sorry babe. The boys texted me and we have an interview in an hour." Harry rushes through his words.

"Oh." Louis says sadly and fiddles with his fingers. "Okay." He sighs.

"Hey, don't worry I'll be back in an hour, two hours tops, to set up the tree." Warm lips kiss Louis cheek quickly. "See you soon babe." Louis only makes it into the hallway when the front door slams shut.

"I guess I'm not getting my cute morning date." Louis sighs and walks to the kitchen to make himself some shity cereal.

*Louis is sitting by his window in warm sweatpants and an oversize sweeter listing to the crazy sounds outside. He opens his window an inch and the smell of the cold air hits his nostrils. He remembers the snow the way Louis felt like he was being blinded when the sun hit it. It would be funny if Louis actually got blind that way. It would be easy, simple that way no pain, no horror and the last thing he would see isn't the redness of his blood, no it would be the beautiful white sparkly snow.

Maybe he'll go out soon but he can't go alone because he doesn't know where the park is.

"Why does being blind suck so much?" Louis groans out.

"Why would it suck? You got your awesome boyfriend here to help set up your Christmas tree." Harry says and Louis hears the front door close behind him.

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