Chapter 18

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"I go on tour in two weeks." Harry says from behind Louis where he is spooning him one the bed. "And I want you to come with me. The boys want you to come too."

"You know I can't Harry." Louis sighs as he turns around to face Harry.

"Why Lou? You'll have a blast. There are so many didn't places and cultures and food that you will love so much."

"That's not for me." Louis admits. How could he enjoy anything if he can't go anywhere without Harry and what is he going to do when Harry isn't there to take him places? Harry is going to be out having a blast with his friends and seeing many fans and all the famous shit like that and Louis will be where? Stuck sitting in a hotel, that's not going to happen.

"Louis babe, just give it a chance. You would have a great time I promise." Harry places a hand on Louis' check an leans in to kiss his forehead lightly. Louis knows he's trying to convince him with love and its noting going to happen. Louis may be blind in the eyes but he's not blind to Harry's tricks.

"No Harry. I wouldn't, you would be spending time with the other boys or the band or anyone else you work with and not me. I'm too much of a hassle and you know it. I won't ever be comfortable around all those people you work with there are too many and I would have a break down." Louis admits shyly.

"Yeah but if you meet them all now than in the future it won't be a problem when we go on tour again. I'll introduce you to them, one at a time and I will be by you side the whole time." Harry has hope in his voice and Louis just frowns at it.

"Harry I can't." Louis whispers and turns his body and head away from Harry. Harry wants him to do this just like how Harry wants him to see again and it hurts because Louis just can't.

"Fine." Harry untangles himself from Louis and gets off the bed. "You don't want to come then don't. I'm sorry that I want to spend time with my lovely boyfriend in different counties. So you can enjoy being by yourself and I'll try to enjoy my tour without my perfect boyfriend." Louis sits up to but is cautious of the anger in Harry's voice.

"What about the fans?" Louis fiddles with his fingers.

"What about them?" Harry snaps as he zips his pants up.

"How will they react when they see a blind boy in every country with you? What will happen if they aproch us you know I can't talk to new people. Or what if we get mobbed?"

"I'll tell them it's my good friend and then we run away or get a bunch of security. If we get mobbed all hold you close and cover your ears, I won't let anyone hurt the love of my life." Harry is so sweet and it makes Louis smile for a second.

"I can't be a good friend that you bring with you on tour and take to different counties and spend millions of time with? It's not going to work. Even if I did go no one would believe that we are just friends and I know you will protect me but I just can't." Louis finishes as he climbs out of bed and moves to the bathroom. "I'm going to take a shower." He whispers as he starts to strip his pjs off.

"What if I tell you I'm ready for the fans to know?" Harry asks from the bathroom door and Louis shrieks as he grabs his shirt and covers his torso.

"You wouldn't because you have the boy's careers to worry about, you said so yourself." Louis answers as he smooth's the shirt that's covering him.

"I know." Harry walks forward and places his hands on Louis' shoulders, all his angry long gone. "But I told them something and they said that they want us to come out."

"What did you tell them?"

"Nothing important." Harry runs his hands up and down Louis' bare arms. You think that Harry would have saw Louis naked before but no he tries his best to hide from Harry. "Just something that involves our six month anniversary in two weeks."

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