Chapter 17: Tea is a comfort

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AHHH TWO THOUSAND OVER VOTES! THERE IS SO MUCH GOING ON IN MY LIFE RIGHT NOW I AM SO SORRY! I will be having a cover voting contest soon, once I get a few more covers that I am expecting Anyways, please remember, if you have a cover, e-mail it to me at... : .

AND, I would like to dedicate this chapter to my friends Julia! Jules, I know you are going through tough times with your parents, but I am here for you like you were there for me when I was like..... depressed last year. We are like.... twins almost, I love you so much. You encourage me to right by telling me every day (And saying you will come kill me with a pen if I don't). I still love you though!







~X Rebecca

~Bella's P.O.V.~

When I opened my eyes, no light was streaming through the window. Groggily, I hopped off my bed and went over to it. Looking outside, I saw that it was dark. My eyes wandered over to the clack on my table. It was nine in the evening. I had been sleeping for a while now.

Looking down at my jeans and coat that were still on, I walked across my rug over to the closet. Pulling open the door, I grabbed a pair of black sweats, and a sweatshirt. Leaving the room, I slipped down the hallway.

Closing the door behind me, I walked over to the shower and turned the knob on it. Hot water sprung out, and steam began to rise out of it. As I climbed into the shower, I cringed a little at the sudden impact of the hot water. Slowly, my muscles began to relax under the water. It made me feel calm. Thoughts about me and Liam began to rush over me. As I ran Vanilla scented shampoo through my hair, I  began to question how long our relationship would last. If I got upset over something as little as people over the internet calling me stupid names.

Then again, Danielle went through the same thing and her and Liam broke up. I know that Liam wants the best for me, but he can't control other people's opinions.

Once the shampoo was rinsed out of my hair, I began rubbing the same scented Vanilla Conditioner into my hair. Trying to get Liam off my thoughts, I pressed play on my shower radio, and Maroon 5 began blasting out of it.

Trying to tell you no, but my body keeps on telling you yes

Trying to tell you stop, but your lipstick got me so out of breath

I'd be waking up, in the morning probably hating myself

And i'd be waking up, feeling satisfied but guilty as hell

After I finished, I wrapped a fluffy towel around me and dried my hair with a blow drier. Once my hair was just a little bit damp, I slipped on my sweats and sweatshirt. I just wanted to curl up on the couch.

Tossing my other clothes into the hamper, I made my way towards the kitchen. The black Kettle sat on top of the stove as usual. Grabbing it by the handle, I brought it over to the sink. As I turned on the sink, water poured out of the filter.

Once it was filled, I set it on the stove. As I turned on the burner, it sprung to life. Leaning on the counter, I pushed my headphones into my ears. Pressing shuffle on my music, I drowned myself in Ed Sheeran.

Give me love like her,

'cause lately I've been waking up alone,

Paint splattered teardrops on my shirt,

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