Chapter 33: What Path Is The Light?

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AH I AM SO SAD! THERE IS ONLY ONE MORE CHAPTER AFTER THIS ONE! The story is so close to being over. Don't worry, the sequel will be AMAZING! I will hopefully be putting up the last chapter on Friday. I need to make sure that it has everything that I want in it. It is the last chapter, and I need to be proud of it and satisfied because once it is up. It is up. There is no turning back :( Enjoy the chapter!






~Bella's P.O.V.~

Why the hell was this happening to me? My life used to be peaceful. I used to be just a normal person. Now I feel like people are watching my every move. I keep getting my heartbroken over someone famous. I didn't ask for any of this to happen to me.

I reached down, and plucked the cream colored paper off the ground. Niall's handwriting as scribbled all over it. I couldn't bear to read it again. I pulled open a white drawer on my desk, and set it inside, slamming the drawer shut.  I quietly grabbed the application papers, and walked towards the door to my room.

The hallway was as silent as a mouse. I crept down it quietly, wondering where everyone was. I entered the den to find Rebecca on the couch reading a magazine, Emily was on her laptop probably for work, and the TV was on to some celebrity gossip show. "Hey" I smiled a little as I entered. Both of their heads snapped up into my direction as I entered the room.

"How's it going?" asked Rebecca curiously as she set down her magazine. "We saw Niall leave, he seemed pretty upset" she said raising an eyebrow.

I sighed, and sat down on a recliner. "Niall is scared we won't have the same relationship that me and Liam had. He thinks we have some sort of bond" I explained as they both nodded understandingly. "And he thinks me and Liam still have something together"

"Does he think your cheating on him?" asked Emily confused.

"No!" I exclaimed. "He says that Liam and i will always have feelings for one another. Niall said he will wait for me, no matter what."

"Aww that's so sweet" Rebecca smiled. "Are you going to choose between them" I just shrugged. "What is that?" she asked noticing the piled of papers in my hands.

I looked down at them, forgetting that they were even there. "Oh. I got accepted into the University of California" I replied a little nervously.

Emily and Rebecca just stared at me. They showed no emotion. "That's great!" Emily said suddenly. Her smile was forced. I guess they didn't want me to leave. "Are you going?" she asked. Rebecca's eyes widened.

I just shook my head. "I'm not sure. There are so many things I would be leaving behind. But this is my dream" I said, looking them in the eyes.

"How about you list the pros and cons about leaving and staying" Emily suggested. That was a good idea.

"OK. The pros for leaving are being able to follow the dream I have had ever since I was little, it is a full scholarship, so I won't have any student loans, I will be able to be back home where I was really born and raised." i said. "Cons about leaving are leaving you guys, Niall, everything that I have built up here to call home." I said. Home. Did I just call London my home? "I think I just need some time to think" I replied and stood up. I could feel their eyes on me as I left the room. As I left, I could also hear them whispering.

As I pushed open the door to my room, I groaned. I had so many decisions to make. I just needed to find a way to relax. I closed the door, and leaned up against it. My eyes gazed around the room. Slowly, my eyes landed on the piano in the corner. I set the papers in my hand onto my desk, and walked over. I sat down on the glossy bench. My fingers ran over the smooth white keys. Suddenly, I couldn't hold it in. I played my heart out, thoughts began to rush through my head.

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