Chapter 10: Sand and Hearts <3

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Heh, sorry about the crappy previous chapter.... a little cheesy. Anyways, here is the next chapter. Please keep in mind I am not a perfect writer, we all make mistakes. Anyways, I will hopefully be able to keep updating regularly, But I am flying back to school tonight, But I will try. Thanks so much for all the votes, comments, fans, and reads!





~Bella's P.O.V.~

Heels suck. Sand sucks. Lights suck. All these combined, right now, my life sucks. Liam was practically dragging me. My heels kept getting stuck in the wet sand. I let go of Liam's hand. Liam stopped and turned. 'What are you doing?" he asked worriedly. Ignoring him, I slid my heels off of my feet, and gripped them in my cold hand.

"Kay" I said grabbing his hand. We kept running down the beach. "Who are they?" I asked looking behind us to see people chasing us.

"Paparazzi" Liam replied picking up the pace. Why would paparazzi be following-. Oh right. My boyfriend was international pop sensation. My hair whipped in my face as we left our picnic and lights behind us. Off in the distance I could see a town beside the water.

"We are not running that far" I said to him, already feeling my legs getting tired. Liam slowed down and crouched over.

"Climb on" he commanded.

'What?" I asked him confused.

"Climb on" he repeated. Reluctantly, I climbed onto his back. His arms wrapped around me as he carried me on his back down the beach. Even though we were being chased, it felt so romantic. Before I new it, we were standing by the side of the road, right by the town. Behind us, the paparazzi were still coming.

"Over here" Liam said putting me down, My heart dropped, but he took my hand and led me down the road to an alley. We slid down it and slipped behind a trashcan. I could hear Liam panting beside me as we waited for them to leave.

"Sorry. This is not how I had imagined our first date" Liam apologized.

"What do you mean, hiding behind a trashcan, or being chased my the paparazzi" I joked lightly. "It's fine, as long as I'm still with you" I told him biting my lip. My feels for Liam were.... so strong. I don't understand how I could feel so close to someone that I hardly knew, but I just felt so close.

After a moment of silence, Liam stood up, brushing himself off. His white converse were strangely still white as bleach. "Let's go, I had a backup plan" he grinned reaching out with his hand. I stood up, slipping my heels back onto my feet. I groaned in pain as my feet hurt as I stood in them. I am the most uncoordinated person in the world. "Why are you wearing those if they hurt?" Liam asked concerned.

"Rebecca forced me to wear them" I explained looking down at my blue and white heels.

"Forced you? You have an opinion" he pointed out entwining his hand into mine.

I just laughed. "You do not know how persuasive Rebecca can be" I explained to him. Liam seemed to get the idea.

"Well, let us go and see your next surprise" Liam said with a huge grin spread out on his face. I just giggled wondering what he was planning.

~Liam's P.O.V.~

Sometimes, I just hate being famous. I can't take Bella on a proper date because of the paparazzi. How did they even found out where we were? It didn't matter anymore. I knew that something like this was going to happen, so I had a backup plan.

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